Very.. Bad..

705 10 0

      /No smut in this one, and it is extremely short :S


How dare that fucking Penguin grab my babygirl, he's earned an hour.. long... playtime...


The Joker pulled out a small scalpel and laughed maniacally at the short man known as 'The Penguin'. He then approached closer to the stout human, pointing and swiping at him in the air.

"Ha. Ha. Ha~ You thinks.. You can touch any of my friends? mm? No?"

"N-no, Jokah! I didn't mean to hurt her!"

"Mm, you didn't hurt her, Peng.. You did an equal amount of sin!~ You touched my girl.. And now.. Im going to hurt you.. Very... Very ba-a-a-ad!"

Jokers laughing boomed over the Penguins screams of agony. His blood covered J's purple surgical mask and already stained apron, and in the dark corner of the torture room, Jokers babygirl's smile cut through the darkness like a cheshire cat.

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