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"Oh shit!" I yelp, running full speed at a tree before leaping into it trying to hide from her. 'She is so going to make me sleep outside tonight. But it was so fucking worth it.' I chuckle to myself as I perch on a branch, waiting to see what she would do. It was just a snow ball; we had decided to go outside and enjoy the snow together despite her absolutely hating water or anything water like unless she was drinking or showering.

We had started drifting slightly seeing as she was trying to stalk through the snow in snow pants and I was behind her lazily following. That's when I got the idea to throw the snow ball at her and boy was she pissed; "DE MONT I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" That was all it took for me to start hauling ass for cover; thus I ended up in the tree trying to hide. 

'Where the hell did she go? I know she isn't at the house, the lights aren't on. I really don't like this, she is up to something.' I thought to myself, finding it odd the she hadn't found me yet. Over the course of a few hours, I continually searched the area for any signs of her but kept coming up empty. "Hi there~." It was subtle and a little creepy but it scared the hell out of me once I realized she was on the branch below me.

I flinched and yelped at the same time, my foot losing it's balance causing me to topple out of the tree. Thank Satan for snow; my back hit the ground a little less harshly due to the nine inches of snow covering the ground. I groan dejectedly, getting up and dusting myself off before heading to the house. 'I am cold, tired and so over the damn snow. To hell with sleeping outside, I'll sleep on the couch.'

I start making my way to the house, not really caring if I was killed in my sleep at all. But before I could reach for the handle, my back was flat against the door and she was starring up at me menacingly, "Just where do you think you are going? You are sleeping outside tonight mister~." I roll my eyes before easily picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder, stepping inside the semi-warm house, "It's fucking cold outside. Fuck that." 

Despite the struggle she put up, I quickly kicked my boots off before heading for our room, "I'll sleep on the couch, I'll freeze to death outside." Judging by the lack of response, she was pouting or giving me the silent treatment; either way I was fucked. Our room was a little smaller than the living room but considering we were normally working so much, we didn't really have any objections when we moved in. 

I gently toss her on the bed, being mindful of her tail as I grabbed a blanket from the foot of the bed, "I'll be on the couch if you need me." I left without another word, not even bothering with the door as I head for the living room. We had our fights just like everyone else did but she was often too proud to admit that she was wrong, even if she actually was wrong.

But rather than full on fight with her, I'd rather just let her have her moment and try to apologize later by doing something that makes her happy. I sighed as I curled up on the couch under the huge blanket, "I love you." I didn't even know if she could hear me or if she was even awake but if there was one thing I had learned in over three hundred years, it was to never go to bed without letting the other know you loved them.

'I really need to make it up to her. I mean I practically threw water at her! Ugh I'm not getting any sleep tonight or she is going to kill me once I finally crash.'


It was probably around ten thirty when I finally heard her come out of our room; I had spent most of the night cleaning up and doing a few things I had been procrastinating on for months now. I finished it up by making coffee and a decent breakfast of waffles and bacon; I turned, nursing a mug of coffee between cold hands, "There are waffles in the kitchen love." 

No response as she padded to the kitchen quietly; 'This is going to be a lot harder than I thought but I still need to try.' I thought to myself as I silently put the mug down and walked into the kitchen. It was obvious that she was fighting with herself in her mind and hadn't noticed my presence yet. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, her instantly tensing up, while I felt her warmth seep through my tee shirt as I kissed her shoulder, "Love I'm sorry, I shouldn't have thrown it at you. Even if it was funny, I'm sorry I did that to you." 

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