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I was having complications due to the concussion I received, and I kept passing out and getting sick. It was intense and I felt like shit the whole time. My head was pounding and I was getting super sensitive to sound and lights. My vision was blurred for a while, but I could always make out Vic's figure, passed out in the seat next to my bed.

He insisted on staying day and night to make sure I was okay. He was awake for most of the time, but, like now, when the nurses came rushing in, he launched out of the chair and was asking questions about what was wrong. 

This time, it was worse than anything before. I awoke to a large amount of shuddering and a sharp pang in my entire head. I scrambled around my bed, searching for the call button. When my hands felt the plastic, I slammed the glowing button so hard that it hurt my hand.

My concussion caused a bleed in my brain that the doctor's hadn't detected before, but it was apparent now. My eyes, my ears, my nose, and my mouth were leaking blood. I was conscious enough to hear them talk about how severe it was. It wasn't like I was stupid or anything, I could tell that by the fact that I was bleeding from every damn one of my face holes.

The rushed me to the OR, heavily sedated me, and that was all I remembered.

At first, everything was black, and then there was a light.

Not like the "I just died and there's a light at the end of this tunnel" type light, but a small, blue light, that was glowing faintly and emitting a low humming noise.

I couldn't move, not even my eyes. It was like they were involuntarily glued to the light, unwavering.

I watched as it grew nearer, and soon the humming became voices, murmuring words so soft, I could barely make them out.

"She's going to be fine, right?"

"We managed to subdue the bleeding, but she's going to be experiencing migraines and nose bleeds frequently.  She's going to be having extreme discomfort for a while, but with the medicine that we're prescribing, it should help some."

"When do you think she'll be able to go home?"

"If all is good when she wakes up, a week or so. Maybe longer, maybe shorter. It all depends on the progress we see her make."

I could feel my heart rate speed up. I could hear is pounding in my ears, and I heard the monitor mimic what I knew was happening. 

This could not be happening. Not right now. Not with a tube shoved down my throat, not with the doctor and nurses and Vic here. 

I was having an anxiety attack, lying in a hospital bed, immediately after waking up from a fucking surgery. 


I honestly didn't know. My breathing sped up, and I opened my eyes as the doctor started messing with the IV. 

"It's okay. You're okay, I promise. Nothing is wrong, you're going to be fine," Vic leaned over the bed and grabbed both of my hands, whispering words to help me calm down. 

My heart rate started dropping, and I could feel myself relaxing a little bit.

Vic looked over at the doctor, and then back at me. 


I nodded slightly. 

He sighed a sigh of relief and then sat back down, still holding onto the hand closest to him. He ran his thumb over the back of my knuckles.

The doctor spoke up for the first time since I had become fully conscious.

"I'm going to take these tubes out of your mouth, okay? It's going to burn a little bit and it's going to be uncomfortable, and it may take you a while to regain your ability to speak normally, but it'll help some,"

I nodded again.

He gently pulled the tubes out of my mouth, and I could feel them sliding out of my throat. I coughed once they were out. 

"Here, drink some water, your throat is dry and speaking will be hard," The doctor handed me a small styrofoam cup filled with ice water. 

I took a sip, and it burned going down. I coughed even more, only worsening the affects.

"Hey," I croaked.

"Hey," Vic answered, a worried look in his eyes. "How ya doing?"


He gave me a sad smile, before patting my shoulder. "But you're okay? Like no noticeable pains or anything? Nothing bad?"


"Well that's certainly good, but it may also be because you're still drowning in pain killers," the doctor said as he checked my IV once again. 

"Well, all seems to be well. I'll be back later to check in," the doctor swiftly exited the room.

Vic and I held a mostly one way conversation, before I was lulled back to sleep by the humming and drugs.


Things have changed since I got back. I had to take a break from the band because anything with loud noises hurt my head severely. I couldn't exercise without being in excruciating amounts of pain. I could only eat a little bit, or else I would get sick.

The doctor said that these symptoms were perfectly normal, and that I was still recovering. He also told me that I feel there's been no improvements in a month, then I should come back in.

I have to have check ups every other week to see If my brain is bleeding or not.

I can't take Oli  on walks, or watch TV.

This fucking sucks. 

I've been isolated, they said school wasn't a good idea because of the environment being unhealthy and loud and whatnot.

So Vic pulled me out. 

I couldn't see my friends on the daily, like I would normally. We still kept in touch, I don't think I would be the same without them. I hope I can start up with the band again soon. I want to write, I want to play. I want to be back with them all the time.

Anyway, I started online school, and it's rad. I get to log on whenever I want to to take lessons and do work, as long as I complete it, it's all good.

My mental health was declining again, but I had Vic and Josh there to help me out. I had Tony, and Jaime, and Mike, and Danielle, and Erin, and Alysha, and everybody else.  Things would never get a second bad as they were before, and I knew it for sure.

I was surrounded with love no matter where I went.

No matter how far away we are.

No matter how many people are there saying that I suck.

There's always love.

A/N that's a wrap yall. There's gonna be an epilogue so keep an eye out for that.

Much love, 

Blake xxx 

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