IDK What To Title This, But Dani And Vic Get Into A Fight (By Fall Out Boy)

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*Josh's POV*

I woke up with someone wrapped in my arms and the tune of a Beartooth song on my mind. I looked down to see Dani, with her hair a mess, sleeping silently next to me.

She looks so peaceful. She's so pretty.

I carefully unwrapped my arms from her and crawled over her sleeping figure, out of the bunk.

I stood and stretched, yawning with a little moan. Slipping my hand back into my bottom bunk, I grabbed my phone off of the wall charger and moved towards the front lounge.

Vic and Jaime were sitting on the couch that in circled the baby table, and Mike was in the 'kitchen'. They all looked up as I entered the room, Vic's eyes narrowing at me.

"Sleep well?" He asked, and edge of irritation and humor in his voice.

I simply nodded in response.

"How about Dani? She still asleep or is she getting dressed?"

"Asleep." I answered quietly as I grabbed an apple from the counter.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Mike and Jaime exchanging glances.

Jaime stood from his seat, "I think we're gonna leave you guys."

I smiled at both of them as they walked back to the bunks, closing the door behind them.

"What the fuck, Josh?"


"You fucking slept with my daughter!"

"'Slept' as in getting some shut eye. We didn't do anything. Chill, man."

I wished we had done more, though.

"You're 19, Josh. She's 15. You're leading her on and I sure as fuck ain't gonna let you get to the end with that, seeing as its inappropriate and illegal." He snapped back.

"I'm not trying to lead her on-"

"She doesn't know that."

I fakely rolled my eyes, "I see her more as like a little sister or something. I'm not interested in her that way." I mentally flinched as I lied to him.

"Explain that to her because she's taken a real liking to you."

"I will." I took a bite out of my apple and left him sitting alone in the front lounge, and joined Dani back in the bunks.

I crouched down. pulled back my curtain, and shook her lightly, gently moving her shoulder back and forth. She scrunched herself up and rolled over so that she was facing me.

"What?" she asked with sleep sounding in her voice. and her eyes cracked, not yet adjusted to the shining lights.

"Time to get up, baby girl."

"Nooooo. Five more minutes. Pleeeaaassseeee?" She whined in response.


"No, baby. Ya gotta get up." I chuckled at her.

"Ugh." She pulled up her knees and slowly sat up, keeping her head down so she wouldn't bump it on the top of the bunk.

Sliding out and past me, Dani pushed herself to her feet, as I stood up with her.

She slipped past me to her bunk, grabbing clothes from her bunk and heading out to the bathroom. I was left standing in the aisle between the bunks to see the other guys poking their heads out of their bunks.

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