nice to meet u

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A/N Hey guys! My name is blake! This is my first fanfiction! It's going to be about Pierce the Veil and other bands like them.
Also there is a trigger warning! It won't really come in till later on but I just thought I'd let you know now.
I really hope you like it and I'm sorry if its shitty or I don't update regularly. Anyways.... read on! :3

Dani's POV

"I'm serious. If you don't get up I will fucking pour water on you," my lovely foster mom threatened.

"Julia, when will you realize that if I don't want to get up, I'm not going to?" I questioned her through my pillow.

I heard her chuckle a little, "Just get up. We're having visitors in a little while and I have a feeling you'll want to look good."

I sat up quickly, feeling dizzy from the sudden movement. These visitors she spoke of must be the people that gave me my DNA.

See, since I was little, I'd lived in foster care. My momma gave me up because she was only still a kid herself. She had me when she was seventeen, and I could only imagine what I would do if I were her.

I would've wanted what was best for my child like she did, but I can't help but sort of hate her for putting me into the system.

I've never heard anything about my father, but I imagine that he was pretty young when I came around, too.

Julia walked out of my room, leaving the door mostly closed, but still open some.

I sighed and pulled my 'Nightmare Before Christmas' blanket off, exposing my bare legs to the cool air circulating around the house.

I stood up and shuffled to the door, slamming it as loud as possible.

I walked to my dresser and opened up several drawers, pulling out my undergarments, a pair of black distressed skinny jeans, and a cut up 'The Devil Wears Prada' band shirt.
Fuck looks.

I walked to my bathroom and started undressing.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the full-body mirror hanging on the back of the door. Pink, red, and white scars littered my thighs and stomach. Some were older, and less deep. Those were from when I had just walked into the world of depression.

I ran my fingers along a patch of raised and discoloured flesh, reliving the moments that made me resort to the blade


"You worthless piece of shit! You never do anything right! You fuck up everything you do!" My foster dad, Jonah, screeched at me.
"I'm sorry! It was an accident. I really didn't mean to," I apologized quietly.
"Sorry isnt good enough! Do you know how much that cost us? Huh?"
I looked down at the floor in shame. I just wanted to help cook dinner.
I heard Jonah start unbuckling his belt, the metal pieces clinking against eachother.
I heard it before I felt it. The bdlt came down on my shoulder, making me cry out in pain. Another six blows came before he stopped.
I cried as I ran to my room. I could hear Jonah speaking to his wife about regretting taking me in.
I reached under my desk and found the piece of metal taped to it. I pulled it off, working for the sweet release it was known to bring me.

*flashback over*

I was 10 at the time of that incident. I was trying to help my old foster mom, Meghan, make a dinner and I dropped a plate while trying to set the table.

I was pulled and placed in a different home not long after that.

I finished undressing and climbed into the shower. After washing my hair and body for about twenty minutes, I got out and dried myself off. After brushing my wet hair and drying it, I ran my straightener through it cos those bitchy little curls always pop up if I don't.

I assembled my outfit on my body, making sure my shirt was pulled down right. I started working on my face.

I applied foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and hella lot of mascara. I was working on putting on bracelets when the doorbell rang.

"Dani! Can you come down here please?" Julia called from downstairs.

I jumped out of my room and slid down the handrail of the stairs, landing at the bottom ln both feet.
Haha bitch. I just moved fifty feet and I didn't take a single step. Suck one.

I turned towards the living room, only to come face to face with four grown men.

"Dani, I'd like for you to meet Victor Fuentes, Michael Fuentes, Tony Perry, and Jamie Precaido,"

"Jaime," one of them interjected, "pronounced HI-ME,"
What the flip?


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