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*Vic's POV*

"Have any of you guys seen Dani or Josh yet?" I asked the group of light technicians.

"Nah man. Last I saw of them, they were headed for the bathroom." Our light and electrician coordinator, Stephen, replied.

Ohmygod. If they're doing what I think they are...

I shook my head and thanked the guys, heading towards the green room hallway, behind the stage.

I got to the opening just as Josh and Dani walked out of the bathroom, Josh holding her hand.

I saw him nudge Dani and she looked up, her makeup sneaker underneath her eyes.

I rushed over to them, my mind boiling with fear and anger.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" I grabbed Dani from his grip and held her in my arm away from him.

"He didn't do anything, Vic." Dani looked over at me, and spoke in a small voice, wavering a bit.

"Then why were you two in the bathroom together, and why the hell are you crying."

"I fell and got rug burn on my knee. He was putting a bandage on it."

"Vic. We didn't do anything. I know better than that." I looked over at Josh. He had his hands up in defense.

I sighed, "Okay. I'm sorry. Thank you."

"No problem, man." Josh nodded over at Dani, "I'll see y'all later."

He walked down the hallway and out onto side stage. When he was out of view, I let go of Dani and turned to her.

"You promise you didn't do anything? He didn't, like, touch you or anything?"

"Vic. I promise."

"Okay. Let's go back to the bus. Everything's pretty much set up."

She nodded at me, her green eyes swirling with specks of gold and brown.


*Dani's POV*

The guys all joined us on the bus later in the evening.

Josh jumped on the bus and quickly headed to the bunks, only pausing quickly to smile and wink at me.

Vic glared at him from across the room, and I shot him a warning look.
He quickly changed his expression and went back to typing on his laptop.

I sighed and moved down into the couch, making the leather covering squeak underneath my butt.

"Hey Vic."

"That's my name. Don't wear it out."

"Why were none of the techs riding with us when we were on our way here, but they're sleeping in the bunks?"

"Only a few of them are gonna be staying on the bus. The others have their own bus that they're gonna be traveling on. Josh and Mitchell are gone be the only ones riding with us because there eisnt enough room on their bus."


I pulled out my phone and my headphones, plugging them in and turning on some All Time Low.

Alex's voice sounded through my personal speakers as I scrolled through my twitter.

"@austinnsquidgy: can'twaittoseehowthisplaysoutat tomorrow's show! can'twaittoseey'all!!"

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