The Meet And Greet

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Of course I knew who they were. How could I not with the 'Vic is amazing' and 'Kellic is my OTP' stuff everyone posts on Instagram and twitter?

Their names were written over just about every surface at my old schools, mixed in with names of other band members.

Oli Sykes, Kellin Quinn, Danny Worsnop, Alex Gaskarth, Harry Styles (ew), Ben Bruce, Chris Motionless, ect. ect. ect

Band names and song titles littered just about every desk top in my classes, so naturally I felt I needed to listen to them.

I remember the first song I ever listened to by PTV was King for a Day ft. Kellin Quinn, which I must admit wasn't all that bad, and after about four hours of video watching I had developed the need to gather information about the quadrillion bands I had listened to.

THAT'S why they sounded so familiar. They're Pierce the Veil.

I mentally facepalmed. I had gone to bed wondering why they had told me about the meet and greet. Well, now I know.

I also knew they were pretty famous so it would be kind of crazy, and they warned me about it just before we got out of the car.

"Whatever you do, do NOT give your phone number to anybody," Vic warned me.

I held my hands up in surrender, "I won't.  I won't"

"Also, don't leave unless you tell us and a guard where you're going. And if you are getting harrassed or you want to leave, we can cut it off early so we can go home, okay?"

I nodded. I wasn't going to make them stop if anything happened. Their fans would hate me for it. I don't need that.

We pulled up to the mall where there was a huge line of people coming out of the doors. Some of them were holding canvasses with fanart painted on them, or stuffed animals, action figures, letters, ect. ect. ect. Things along those lines.

When the car stopped, a guard came and opened the door of the car, waving for the guys to step out.

We filed out and formed a little cluster with me in the center of it.

All of the people who had been waiting in the line started yelling for the guys' attention or started chanting 'Pierce the Veil'.

It was fucking loud.

We started walking towards the mall doors, walking into the ultimate girls' paradise. I spotted the store in which the signing was to take place: Hot Topic.

Man, did I love that store. I mean, I would literally kill for a shopping trip to hot topic.

Three guards escorted us to the store and led us in. The guys sat behind a table with a black tablecloth and posters on it. They were all handed silver sharpies to sign stuff with.

A guard came over and told me to sit in a chair at the end of the table.

I did as I was told and wiped my hands on my jeans. Not doing a very good job at wiping off my anxiety.

I sat at the end of the table next to a turtle. Not Tony, but a stuffed turtle Tony had brought with him.

"Dude, seriously?" I asked him, gesturing to the children's toy he had toted along.

"Yes, seriously." He spoke in a serious voice, with a straight face.


"Cos I'm a turtle. Deal with it."

I cocked my head to the side and rolled my eyes.


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