04. Therapy....Chicken?

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Laughter is like a breath of fresh air...or maybe like short gasps as you try to regain your composure. Either way, it felt like the gloom and despair that had been biting at my ankles was finally beginning to learn their manners. The day following Scott's success of making me laugh, I felt lighter on my feet. I could tell the others noticed too. They didn't need to say anything to me for me to know Scott told them about the break in my gloomy disposition. 

My change in attitude appears to have a rippling effect on my friends. I say this seeing as Carter hasn't whacked Pietro with his cane in over an hour now. Well, that and Pietro hasn't tried to steal Carter's cane again. That didn't end well the first time. Additionally, my friends didn't seem as timid around me. They were back to their usual loud banter and playful arguments, which had been reserved for when I wasn't in the cabin.

Though I haven't spoken yet, I know I'm on the right track. A smile or laughter, for me, is something I could hardly even think of doing when we first arrived about a week ago. And now here I am, smiling and chortling like the barrier of ice that encased me finally cracked under pressure. I feel some form of freedom now, like a delayed reaction after being freed from the Raft. In fact, the whole ordeal occurring there felt was beginning to feel like a distant nightmare. I was starting to get over it. Of course, that very well could be caused by suppressing my thoughts and feelings of that time. Either way, I was in much better shape than I was before.

Even though I'm in a better place mentally and emotionally, I still have a hard time coming to terms with physical contact. I mean, an accidental bump of the shoulder as I pass by a friend is alright. But a deliberate action such as a hug? That still worries me. Not that anyone's tried to force a hug on me. I can sense everybody still understands I'm trying to return to the place of trust I had before all of this. 

That's what I love about the most dysfunctional family the world will never see -- understanding and respect. Well maybe except Pietro. He doesn't seem to have much respect for his elders since he keeps trying to nab Carter's cane. It's actually quite humorous though, watching my boyfriend zip through the crowded cabin to steal the cane, and then Carter getting all riled up as he shouts at the speedster. At first, it was just the Maximoff twin seeing if he could get a rise out of the older man, but now it's sort of become a game between them. I can see that no matter how hard they try to seem annoyed or act angry with each other, there's a bond that's slowly begun to form between them. Especially now since I'm beginning to recover.

"Iris, will you go to the chicken coop and collect the eggs for me?" Carter asks over the hollering of Pietro and Clint, who are in the process of arguing which would be faster -- Pietro or an arrow fired by the marksman. Scott and Wanda are sitting by, murmuring to each other about the logistics of the proposed equation while Steve sits in an armchair with his hand over his face.

"I'll go with her. Better than sitting in here listening to these guys argue." Sam offers and I smile as we both stand up from our seats.

"I'll come too." Steve grunts as he follows us to the back door of the cabin. Meanwhile, the argument only intensifies now that Carter gets involved. Before the three of us completely exit the cabin, I swipe two of Carter's brooms. Steve shuts the back door of the cabin behind us before we pick our way down the gravel path towards the chicken coop, which is only about twenty feet from the cabin. 

The hen yard itself is about twelve feet long and five feet across, giving the chickens a decent space to roam. Once we reach the entrance, I pause and turn around to face my teammates. I offer them each a broom and watch their faces turn into questioning looks. Those looks turn into acknowledgment as soon as the rooster flies out of the coop and starts to lowly crow at us. I chuckle at their expressions then open the gate. Sam and Steve follow closely behind me before I turn and lock the gate behind us. 

The hens, hearing our arrival, begin to clamor out of their shelter. The look of horror on the two men's faces are priceless. I don't think they've ever seen this many chickens in one place. However, it's even funnier to see two grown men, not to mention ex-Avengers, holding brooms out defensively. I can't exactly blame them considering I was the exact same way when I started caring for the chickens. But...it is hilarious because out of the two of them, Cap looks the most frightened. He moves the broom, ready to gently swat one of the chickens away from himself before I let out a disapproving croak. I hold my hand out towards him to stop the action. I shake my head and kneel in front of the chicken I'm most familiar with.

"Bess." I croak. My voice is low, gravelly, and off-pitch. It doesn't seem to matter because the hen recognizes me anyways. She flaps her wings and hops on my bent knee. The Rhode Island Red softly coos and folds her wings against her side, allowing me to pick her up and cradle her against my chest. Once on my feet, I grin at the shocked ex-Avengers. "Bess." I repeat, my voice still just as bad as the first time I spoke. 

The three of us stand in silence for a moment. In the corner of my eye, I can see the rooster slowly approaching while crowing lowly. I sharply turn on my heel, extend my arm, and point with my index finger at him while I let out a 'tsk!' that frightens him away from us. During my time here at Carter's the first time around, I picked up a few little tricks that allowed me to earn the slight respect of the rooster. However, that respect doesn't seem to extend to Sam or Steve. 

The rooster moves away from me but circles until he's behind Rogers and Wilson before letting out a frighteningly loud squawk. Sam rounds on him and tries the same trick I used, but to no avail. The rooster isn't frightened of him and decides to lunge. Thankfully Steve's moves quickly enough to swat the rooster away from the two of them. I begin to cackle at the whole scene while I stroke Bess' back. "Hellspawn." I rasp, shaking my head. 

I leave the two dumbfounded males behind as I saunter over the hen house and lift the hinged roof with one hand. I gently shoo a remaining hen out into the yard. Pleased with myself, I gently turn and place Bess on the ground before beginning to collect eggs in my hands. I can hear my chicken friend cooing as she pecks at some leftover seeds scattered around my feet.

"Uh, can we help at all?" Wilson question from behind me. I can hear the suspicion and caution in his voice before I turn my head. He's glaring at the rooster, which is across the yard while holding his broom tightly. Cap gives Sam 'the look' complete with the 'disappointed eyebrows of justice.' I chuckle and begin to hand Steve eggs, three for each of his hands. This, unfortunately for the walking American flag, forces him to abandon his broom so he can hold them all. Luckily for him, Sam takes the extra broom declares himself the acting rooster guard. Both Rogers and I begin to chuckle. 

There are eleven eggs right now, but it's still early. I'm sure by the end of the day there will be another laying period. "Thanks." I murmur to Steve while standing to my feet. I smile down at Bess before walking towards the gate to the hen house. Steve is right behind me with Sam bringing up the rear. It's rather humorous, the two strong males being led around by a broken female. My lips curl upward into a small smile at the thought. Oh, how fate loved to play games. 

I unlatch the gate and force it open. Once having stepped out, I hold it open until the two men exit the chicken yard. Bess continues to coo and follow us, but doesn't try to slip out of the yard. I smile at the hen and close the gate, whispering a 'good-bye' before following the others up to Carter's house. 




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