15. Bad News

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"Hit it again." I'm so tempted to roll my eyes. So, so tempted. It is 2 am and I'm ready for bed. But you know what? Apparently, Wakandians don't sleep. Or at least not normal sleeping hours. And when a Princess tells you to hit a Black Panther suit prototype for the one hundredth and sixty-seventh time? You do it. "Perfect!" I close my eyes tiredly as I straighten to my full height, nearly swaying on my feet.

I turn my head and look at the royal wearily, exhausted. We'd been at this for five hours already. I don't think I can keep this up. I'm not physically tired, not by any means. Well...maybe a bit. It's been a hella long day. But mostly, I'm mentally exhausted. And the way Shuri looks up at me from her tablet, I can tell that fact is dawning on her. She looks conflicted but finally relents.

"Uh...I think I have enough data for tonight. How about we begin again tomorrow morning? We'll test your physical limits instead of strength then." I blearily nod in acknowledgment. I'm beyond thankful.

"Thanks, Shuri. I'll see you tomorrow." I offer before turning to exit the lab. I feel her piercing gaze on me while I climb the ramp towards the lab's exit. Once I'm beyond the lab's walls, I let out a long yawn. I tred quietly through the softly lit palace on the way back to my room. I'm ready to crash.

I force open the wooden door and flip on the light, finding my boyfriend face down on one of my pillows, snoring away. I stand in the doorframe, watching his back rise and fall rhythmically when I hear a creak behind me. I turn to look Wanda in the eye. She wears a brown robe, fitted to her body as she rubs the sleep from her eyes. A soft smile is in place on her lips as she regards me. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I whisper.

"No, no. I was just making sure you got back alright." I nod my head in understanding.

"Yeah, yeah...I'm good. See you tomorrow?" I watch her close her eyes and nod, the smile never slipping.

"Goodnight, Iris. Sleep well." I mouth a quiet 'thank you' when she opens her eyes again before retreating into her room. That's when I step into my own suite and shut the door quietly behind me. I pull off my shoes and walk to the bathroom, where I get ready for bed. Then I slip into some shorts from the closet and sit on the edge of my mattress. I watch Pietro's peaceful look of bliss, albeit smushed into a pillow, with comfort. I flick the lights off and swing my legs into bed. I then gently lift Pietro's nearest arm over me and lie with my back towards him. He stirs slightly and whispers an 'I love you' before pressing a kiss to the base of my neck. We both drift off to slumber.


You'd think that after everything going on, you'd get the chance to sleep in. But did I? Nope. I fully embrace my previous statement. Wakandians do not keep normal sleep schedules at all.

The AV bead of the bracelet Shuri fitted me with buzzes to life in a holographic display. "Iris!" I groan loudly and try to bury my face in my pillow. I feel Pietro's arm tighten around my midsection as he grumbles against my neck. "Iris, it's time to get up. I need some more specific data for my calculations." I shake my wrist away from me, attempting to end the video connection to the Princess so I can sleep a bit longer. It doesn't work.

"What time is it?" I yawn while giving up trying to hide.

"It's eight thirty in the morning."

"Hnnmmggff...eight thirty...what about breakfast?" I wonder if an excuse for breakfast can be used to sleep longer.

"Don't worry about it, just come down to the lab. I'll have something for you." I sigh and finally peel my eyes open.

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