11. Iris...who?

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"My father is the angry cyborg lumberjack amnesiac?" I turn my back on the super soldier and gaze wildly at the man who has just delivered the news I've been searching for my entire life. "Does...does he know?"

"No." T'Challa shoots Shuri a hard look. "Although, Shuri almost let it slip."

"It was one time!" His younger sister cries, drawing Barnes' attention away from the nurse tending to him. Shuri dismissively waves at the two of us before approaching James. I grip my file tighter. 

The Wakandian King sighs. "I felt it wasn't my place to notify him." He then casts a look at the newly distracted Barnes. "I think informing him might bring you both comfort. In terms of living relatives, it appears you both may feel rather alone in the world." T'Challa offers a final smile as he nods before excusing himself to take care of his country, leaving me with Barnes, Shuri, and the nurse. Blowing out my cheeks, I release a huff before inhaling again. I gently hold my file against my chest as I approach.

"I thought they had you in cryo until they managed to..." I pause and wiggle my fingers towards his brain, "that." Shuri laughs at my lack of proper medical terminology. She doesn't, however, look up from reviewing his data.

"Steve's here, so I guess they woke me." He says with a half upturned smile. "Besides, Shuri says she's got a new idea for my rehabilitation." Speaking of the devil, the Princess smirks over her shoulder and wiggles her fingers at us.

"I think I like her." I laugh, the corners of my eyes crinkling. "Anyways, any progress with your mind?"

"Not yet." He lifts one shoulder up in a shrug, not seeming bothered.

"We're getting there." Shuri tells us as she and the nurse leave the room, leaving me awkwardly looking towards the two glass doors leading back to the lab.

"Mm..." I hum while tapping one of my feet against the tile.

"What?" Barnes tilts his head. He narrows his eyes at me as if trying to deduct just what I'm thinking. 

"I just...got some interesting news is all." I smile absentmindedly. 

"The file?" I watch him carefully before looking down at the file. I begin to wonder if it'll trigger any of his memories. 

"Yeah. You seen it before?" Barnes looks at the manilla folder skeptically before I offer it to him, hoping it might bring old memories to light. Maybe he'll remember he's my father without me having to break it to him. He hesitantly takes the file before balancing it on his thigh before flipping it open. I see his newly weary look as he stares at the photo of a younger me paper clipped to the inside.

"Oh, God." I stand rigidly, not liking his distressed tone. His azure eyes lock onto my mottled ones sadly. "I remember you now." I clench my jaw before leaning against the counter behind me.

"I'm not sure I like your tone." I state. He seems to analyze me before looking back down to the papers.

"I was the one assigned to bring you to that facility." I quickly shut my eyes and tilt my head back. "You were a newborn. We cornered a woman in northern Kazakhstan...it was raining. I remember taking you back to Russia. I'm not sure what became of the mother. Your mother." Barnes mournfully looks at the floor.

"Wow, what a mess our family is then, huh?" I laugh breathlessly, humorously. I can't find it in me to feel betrayed. Or angry. I actually don't feel anything. I understand why he did what he did. I understand he probably didn't have a choice.

"'Our family'?" I find myself wincing at his uncertainty. 

"Uh...surprise...?" The one-armed ex-assassin looks at me dumbfounded. "Shuri ran a blood test...we're a 98.4% match." My tone rises in pitch due to my nerves as I watch him anxiously. "I guess you're my dad." I tap my fingers against the counter I continue to lean against. There's a tense silence as Barnes appears to be processing as he observes the area ahead of him.

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