The hot girl

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You stumbled out of bed, muttering a curse under your breath. You had fifteen minutes to get ready for school. Fifteen. You continued to scold yourself in your mind as you raced to your bathroom to hurry your daily routine.

When you opened your closet, you expected something to catch your eye and you’d just slip it on and look as good as you always did but luck wasn’t on your side today. You huffed and grumbled loudly.
You picked up your leggings, something you haven’t worn to school since… well, you couldn’t recall. When you got fully dressed, you took a quick look in the mirror and decided that you had done a pretty good job for the few minutes you had.
You grabbed your bag and raced out the door.


When lunch time rolled around you found yourself at your locker with Allison and Lydia approaching you.
“So which guy are you trying to fish in, (Y/N)?” Lydia smirked. You raised an eyebrow. “Why would you say that?”

Allison smiled widely and rolled her eyes, “Oh, come on. Those leggings don’t just come out of the closet at any regular day. All the guys have been taking double takes at you. Even Stiles and we all know how he feels about Lydia.”

It was Lydia’s turn to roll her eyes.
“I’m not trying to ‘fish in’ any guys.” You smiled shyly and shrugged.
Lydia scoffed, “Sure. I’ve got to hand it to you though, (Y/N). You’re really rocking it. I might even be a little jealous.”

“So do you have a study date tonight?” Aiden asked, appearing out of the hallway crowd with his brother, Ethan, who was grinning. “You do look hot.” Ethan added.
Were the leggings really looking that good? You laughed and then Lydia told you to meet them at the cafeteria.


When you looked around the cafeteria for the girls with your tray in hand, you found yourself unsuccessful. You spotted the boys and decided to sit with them today. You guessed Lydia and Allison would come in soon. You smiled at them as you walked closer and you slowly watched as their expressions changed from completely normal to dumbstruck.

Water spilled from Stiles’ agape mouth and Scott’s expression was almost the same though he blinked hard and long. Liam’s blue eyes were wide and he almost looked nervous.
“Hey boys.” You said cautiously. You sat down slowly, confused by their expressions. You looked behind you to make sure there wasn’t another Erica walking in. “Are… you guys okay?”
Scott was the first to speak up. He cleared his throat and then said, “Uh… I- hi.”
“You look really hot today.” Liam blurted. Everyone’s eyes shifted to him and he gulped and then shrugged, “Well… its true.” You felt a slight heat to your cheeks. “Thanks.” You smiled timidly.
Suddenly, a body slid into the seat next to you.
“Hey, (Y/N).” Jackson smirked. You smiled politely at him and began to eat your lunch. “You’re looking good today.” He winked. You bowed your head, smiling as your hair fell to hide your blushing face.
“Uh, thanks.”
“I just saw this hot girl walk in…” Isaac stopped when he approached the table. He eyed you and came to realization that the hot girl he just saw was actually you. His eyebrows raised and his mouth formed a small ‘o’. He made his way around the table and sat next to Stiles.

“I told you, you had all the boys drooling.” Lydia strutted in and then sat down.
“All who agrees that (Y/N) looks super sexy in leggings and that she should wear them every day, say I.” Allison slid in next to you, a smile plastered on her face. You shook your head and you couldn’t believe the intense feeling in your cheeks. You imagined you looked like a tomato and that made you blush more. "So? Who'll you choose?" Lydia smirk elbowing Allison.

"The alpha Scott, the spazzy Stilinski, the baby Liam, the Very tall Isaac, or the jock Jackson." Allison stated.

You knew from that day on, you might not ever wear leggings to school again.

"I'll choose...."


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