Chaotic Connection - Void Stiles

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Summary: Where the nogitsune wanted your help and you decided to play along
Warning: Slight smut, but not really

"I've been waiting for you."

His voice sent shivers down your spine.
Don't let him get to you. Confident remember? You're not scared of him. You're not scared of anything.
"What do you want me to do? Thank you for getting me out of Eichen House?"
You watched as his lips turned up at the corners, those dark eyes glinting with mischief.

"How'd you know it was me?"
"Well, who else kills about ten guards, innocent guards might I add, to let someone like me escape?"
He took a step towards you.
Do not step back. For the love of God, do not step back.


You stood your ground, knowing he was waiting for you to slip up. Waiting for you to run. Waiting for you to crack.

"Why? Why'd you do it?"

He took another step forward. You felt your heart rate quicken, knowing he did too. You two had a connection, something you couldn't quite explain.

It was nothing to do with the host he had chosen. Stiles was just a boy. You'd seen him around Eichen House, sensed something in him, followed him to the basement, watched as he gave himself up for some girl.

Ugh, love. A perfect waste of time. And just look where it had gotten Stiles. Possessed by him. You could hear him screaming to get out. And part of you enjoyed it.

You shivered involuntarily as the nogitsune took hold of your wrist, tracing the unusual birthmark you had. The one that had alerted you to the presence of supernatural creatures in the first place.
Self. That was what he'd told you it meant the day you'd first met. He'd laughed at the pure irony of it. Of course back then, there was a different host. You preferred the one he currently had.

You weren't going to lie. Stiles was an attractive teenage boy.

"I need your help."

Your eyes locked with each other's as he pulled you to him.

"With what?"

By now, your noses were brushing against each other, his lips hovering over yours.
"I need you to help me win."

You felt yourself grin.
He needed you.

You decided to play with him. After all, he liked his games. He especially liked playing them with you.

"Why? Are you actually losing for once?"
He snarled, a sound that should have terrified you, knowing he could kill you in a instant. Instead, it sent shock-waves through your body, making him smile.
"I just need a little bit more strife. A little more pain. A little more chaos. Something I know you are very good at."

You raised an eyebrow at him. It was true, you specialised in those things. It was why they sent you to Eichen House in the first place.

You still remembered everything you'd done. The heat of the flames. The blood coating your hands. The screams of the people you'd slaughtered.

"What's in it for me?"

"It's unwise to question me sweetheart. Sure you don't want to end up dead?"
"You won't kill me. You need me."

He chuckled.

"You're right. I do need you. You help me win, and I'll make sure no-one looks for you when they realise you're missing. And people are going to come looking. After all, you did murder a lot of people. Good job with that by the way."

You smiled at him. You shouldn't have felt a sense of pride, you shouldn't have felt good about the fact that he appreciated you. But you did. And that couldn't be helped.


"So, do we have a deal?"

You nodded slowly, watching as his eyes flickered to your lips.

In one quick movement, his lips had captured yours, his hands sliding up your arms to your neck, squeezing slightly when he reached your throat.

You gasped for breath, him taking the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth, quickly taking dominance as he always did. Your hands moved under his, under Stiles', t-shirt, feeling the ice-cold skin that you craved against yours.
Damn, stupid fox-spirits.

He removed his lips from yours, and latched his teeth onto your neck, the sensation enough to send you into overdrive.

And then he stopped.
He grabbed you by your shoulders, looking straight into your eyes.

"Y/N, go."


"There are people coming. Go."

"But I thought you needed me."

He smirked, resurfacing unresolved feelings.

"I do. But we're going to keep you a secret for now."

You understood.

"Just another trick right?"

"Exactly. Now go."

You ran, hiding as you watched a man walk into the loft. The sheriff. The nogitsune smirked at you, before he faced the sheriff. He was the performer and you were his audience.

You watched as he pretended to be Stiles, broke the handcuffs the sheriff used on him.

You watched as he tackled a werewolf to the ground, slamming him against a wall.
You watched as he stretched the brunette's taser, rendering it useless.
Stupid, idiotic do-gooders. They were all going to die.

Then the other man there pointed a gun at his head. The sheriff yelling at Argent, the nogitsune tricking them all.

You smiled at the thought of him winning.
And then the Oni showed.
Holy shit.

But your worry didn't last for long. Before you knew it, he had appeared beside you.

"Good show?"

"They're going to die."

"Well, that is the plan. Tell me, do you approve?"

You turned to face him, using your fingers to draw patterns on his chest.
"Very much so."

He began to walk away.
"Are you coming with me or not?"
"I guess so," you began to follow him.
"Good. We have business to discuss."
You walked in silence, before you piped up.

"Why are there handcuffs in your pocket?"

"Well, the sheriff has loads. He won't miss one pair."

"So why do you have them?"

You heard him chuckle.
That damn chuckle.

"Oh, I'm going to use them later."

"On what?"

He faced you.

"On you."

Credits : Whatthehellisastilesimagine via tumblr !

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