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Edited May 14, 2016

Re-edited April 18, 2018

Niall POV.

'Niall Horan spotted with blades! Is boy bander Niall Horan self-harming?'

I click on the link to a photo. It was blurry but you could tell what the baggie contained.

Before I could do anything, my phone blew up. Calls and texts and tweets from mum, dad, Greg, management, the boys, the girls, and Emily. And of course, the fans over Twitter.

I call mum back first. "Niall! What is this I'm reading!" She crying.

"Mum. It's a misunderstanding! The blades aren't mine! They are my girlfriends, Emily's. I took them from her." Mum settled down. I could hear Mum talking to a couple people who were in the background.

"Ok, Niall. I love you!" And we hang up.

I decided to call management next. I nervously pulled up the contact information and my palms began to sweat as the phone began to ring. "Niall! What is this bullshit? You need to get Emily and get down to Simons' office right now!" Sandra demands and without waiting for my reply, she hung up.

I didn't waste time. I grabbed a beanie, a hoodie, and a couple sunglasses. Grabbing my car keys, I run out the door and through the paparazzi. Driving as fast as I could, I get to Emily as fast as London traffic would let me and grab her, yelling sorry to the others and that it was an emergency.

"Niall. I saw the tweets and stuff while on my break. I'm sorry!" Emily is crying now.

Grabbing her hand, I kiss it. "Shush. We will get this all figured out."

We finally arrive at Modest! Management and run to Simons office, taking the stairs haflway up when the lifts were taking too long. Simon was sitting in his big office chair, twiddling his thumbs. Sandra was standing behind him, a little off to the left, tapping her foot impatiently; the sound muffled by the giant area rug beneath her. "I'm sorry!" Emily starts crying her eyes out as soon as we closed the heavy oak door. I sit in a chair and pull her into my lap, hugging her close.

Simon and Sandra wait patiently until she'd calmed down enough. Simon eventually begins to talk. "I'm sure it was a misunderstanding. We can get this cleared up but there is no way we can't keep your "relationship" with the public private. For the time being, there will be security guarding you two until this dies down. Now when you return to who ever's flat you want to go to, Sandra will give you instructions on what to do next. That is all. Just sit there, don't tweet anything, don't post anything. We have major damage control to do." Simon explained to us, while putting air quotes around the word relationship.

Nodding, I guided Emily out of the room, down the hall, and out the door. She was still shaking. The ride home was silent. The radio was turned down so low, it was just barely a whisper. We hustled back to my flat to find the other four lads waiting for me. Emily had fallen asleep during the car ride home, exhausted from the excitement that took place not even an hour ago, so I place her in my bed.

Returning to the boys, I quietly explain. "The blades aren't mine! They belong to Emily's. I was going to talk to her and paparazzi jumped out at me, surprising me, and now we are here." I look to Harry, who looks at Louis, who looks at Zayn, who looks at Liam, who looks at me. I collapse onto one of the arm chairs. Then one by one, the others crowd the chair and floor around me, trying to calm me.

My phone chimes and I pull it from my pocket. 'The two of you need to write out a tweet letting the fans know about you two and telling them that this is a misunderstanding.' A text from Sandra. She texted me what to say. 'Don't use the same captions for both of your tweets so it doesn't look like this is planned.'

'Can we do it when Emily wakes up? She fell asleep.'

'I don't care! Just do it ASAP!'

I roll my eyes and put my phone away. When Emily had finally woken up, the others were long gone. "I made some hot cocoa." I say, giving Emily a small smile as I hold her cup out to her. She happily takes it and sips it. I study the fragile human before me.

Her eyes are slightly red and faint bags could be seen beneath her eyes. Her nose is red and the rest of her face is red from all the excitement and emotions that came crashing down on her.

"Sandra said we need to take a photo." I pull out my phone and we take a cute selfie. "Go back to bed. I'll be there in a moment." Emily nods and pads back to the room.

'Hanging out with my new girlfriend @itsjustem' I tweet.

I turned off my phone and head back into my bedroom to join Emily.


Username is made up, I don't know if it's being used.

Short and sweet!

Going t bed.


- Emily


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