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Edited May 15, 2016
Re-edited June 28, 2018

Niall POV.

A month passed since we started this whole fake dating thing. It really feels like Emily and I are in a real relationship, one that isn't under contract.

I had my surgery a week ago, so Emily has been looking after me when she isn't with her tutor, working, or at school. Right now, Emily is at work so Liam is hanging out with me.

"The Brits are coming up." I say after changing the channel to some random movie about a murdering Leprechaun. (A/N: that is a real movie. It's called Leprechaun).

Liam nods and sits down with some pizza we ordered half an hour ago. "When are they?"

"In a couple days. The girls are going to go dress shopping in London tonight. Eleanor, Perrie, Sophia, and Emily."

Liam nods. "Are you going to be going?"

I crinkle my nose. "Of course! It's Emily's first award show! And I'm in One Direction." I shift my weight to my arms on the couch to get more comfy and prop my leg up on a pillow. Glancing at the clock, it's 5:30 and Emily should be home soon. "Shit! Liam! Take the pizza and put it somewhere! Emily said she was going to make dinner for us tonight!"

Liam jumps up and closes the box, playing a pillow on top of it. He slumps back onto the couch and props his feet on the pillow covered pizza box just as Emily walks in, pulling her hair from the pony tail it was in. "Hello. The girls and I are actually going to go shopping in about half an hour. I won't be able to make food. You can order some pizza though."

Emily sits on my lap and kisses me lightly. "If you're going to go any farther, I'll leave." I turn my head to see Liam's face in a scared position.

Emily laughs. "It's not like you haven't done anything before. And I'm pretty sure it's been gone for a while now."

Liam is speechless. Then he turns bright red. "I I I uh. I'm just going to ah uh go. Uh. I'll see you later." And a flustered Liam is out of the building.

"You smell like pizza." Emily says. My face turns red.

"I was hungry."

Emily just rolls her eyes and heads to her flat to change. I managed grab the pizza that Liam oh-so conveniently placed just out of my grasp before she returned wearing skinny jeans, a Ed Sheeran shirt, and converse. Placing her winter coat on the hook, she snuggles next to me.

I couldn't have been more content. If I was a cat, I would be purring right now. "Niall. I only have a couple months left here."

"That's two months away. Don't think about it."

"You have your tour. And I'll have school. And I don't think you will be able to visit me in Indiana a lot or I will be able to drive out to Chicago for the show."

Knocking at the door. Emily walks over to it and opens it to reveal the three other girls. "Hey!" They all give me a hug and a get well wish and they are off.


Emily POV.

We got to the dress store in the mall and there were people everywhere! Paparazzi followed us and fangirls swarmed us. We finally got to a store and security was called. Paparazzi were escorted out or arrested and the girls, and some boys, dispersed.

"Finally! I thought they would never leave us!" Sophia sighs, leafing through dresses. "I think maybe pale blue for Emily." She says after pulling out a pale blue dress. It was sleeveless and ended mid thigh. Perrie holds up a pair of black pumps. Eleanor holds up some black jewelry.

"I'm supposed to look classy. Not trashy!" My eyes are bugging out. The girls laugh and out the stuff back but I grab the black pumps Perrie was holding because they were cute and my size.

Perrie decided on a black dress. It came down to the knees and had a halter top. A white sash ran around the waist. Some gold jewlery and a pair of white heels would look excellent.

Eleanor found a blue dress and found some white flats to go with them along with some gold jewelry.

Sophia had picked out a pale yellow dress and gold heels and some white jewellery.

And then there is me. I couldn't find anything cute. Wait! Scratch that! I finally found it! The perfect dress! It was floor length, which I wouldn't have to get fixed because the heels I have make me tall enough to safely wear it. The dress was a deep royal blue colour which perfectly matched my skin tone.

"Hey guys! What do you think?" I held the dress up for the other three.

"Yes! That's the one!" Perrie ushers me in the dressing room and I out the dress and heels on. A perfect match. Kinda like Cinderella.

We all tried on our dresses and shoes and were happy so we bought them and decided to go get some food from the food court in the mall.

"Just wait till Niall sees you in the dress!" Sophia says, gushing over the intricate colours and design.

I just smile. "Liam is going to love yours! You look amazing in yellow!"

We gossip about dresses and other celebrities till it was about 8pm. Snow was falling lightly and the temperature had dropped a bit so we hustled into the car and back home.


Boring. I know...

Maybe there will be more action in the next part... Who knows.

- Emily


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