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Edited May 15, 2016
Re-edited July 8, 2018

Emily POV.

I let out a few certain words as I turn my extra annoying alarm clock off and drag myself to the shower. After showering, I pull on some clothes and eat some food. Looking outside to see that there isn't much snow on the ground, I grab my coat and head over to Niall to wake him up. Only to find him passed out on the couch so I let him be and left a note saying I will be home in a few hours.

I left early for class, to try and possibly squeeze in a couple practice hours before class.

Exiting the complex, I see the other school children starting to head to school. I'm glad the complex is close because Niall can't really drive for now. I start following some of the kids with the same school uniform I've seen the other band kids wear.

"Hey. Aren't you Emily." I was too busy listening to my music to realise the girls in front of me were looking at me.

I pull out my headphones. "Yea. I am." I'm so nervous. Niall is usually with me when we encounter fans.

"Oh my gosh! I knew I recognised you at school. You just go for band, right? OMG you're so pretty! Can I get a photo?"

I give a small smile and agree to a photo and a twitter follow. They let me walk with them to school so I wouldn't have to walk alone. We talked about the boys but I didn't mind. When we reached the school, we said our goodbyes.

"Hey. Emily!" I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to see Zeke. "Haven't seen you a while. This damn snow!" Zeke flashes me a smile.

I return one. "Yea, I know. How have you been?"

"I'm good. Hey, do you think you can help me with some music after school? I know you don't actually attend classes except for band but."

I think about it for a moment. "Sure. I can switch hours at work and we can definitely work on some music. What piece are you having trouble on?"

"Flight of the Bumblebee for my private lessons and some of the concert music for class." He mutters.

I smile at him. "I had trouble on that too when I was learning and I can certainly help with the concert music. But with practice, you can do it! So it's settled. Where should I meet you?"

Zeke scribbles down something. "Here's my number, just in case. You can meet me in front of the school at three and my mum will be here to pick us up at about 3:10."

"Sounds like a plan!" We head to class and do our warm up and run through our concert a couple times. Our concert is in a few days so Mr. J has been a lot more, what's the word? Thorough about music. Everything from articulation to posture.

He also has me playing a saxophone solo even though I'm playing Flute in the song. But I guess since the others weren't ready to have this solo. "This is our biggest concert. It's going to have talent scouts at it! It's going to be huge!" He says and walks into his office after practice is over.

Everyone scrambles to put their stuff away I keep my flute and sax so I could take it home and practice. Not that I really needed it. Zeke walks up to me. "Don't forget about after school." He says as the bell ring.

Grabbing my stuff, I file out the front door, waving goodbye to the teachers monitoring the front desk by the door.

Niall's car was waiting for me and I frowned. He wasn't supposed to be driving. "Niall James Horan what are you doing driving?!" I open the door to find Harry in the drivers side.

"I'm pretty sure the last time I checked, I'm not Irish, blonde, or currently handicapped." The strange boy smirks. I just roll my eyes and out my stuff in the back and climb in front.

"Haha. Is it your turn to watch Niall?"

"No. It's Louis now. Wanna get some lunch? I was thinking Italian." Harry stops at a red light.

I nod, hungry for what ever. "Sure! I love Italian."

Harry smirks. "You and Italian. I'm gonna have to challenge you to a bake off."

"Ok. As long as you don't pay the judges like you did on 1DDay."

"Okay. Saturday. I'll have Paul come and pick you up at bring you to the restaurant. Yes. One of those professional kitchens. And hey. Why don't we do a twitcam?"

I shake my head, ready. "You're on, Styles." We shake on it and Harry pulls into Olive Garden.

@itsjustem 'May the best chef win, @Harry_Styles.'

@Harry_Styles '@Itsjustem be there or be square'

@itsjustem '@Harry_Styles we will discuss prizes later.'

@NiallOfficial 'What the hell did you guys get into now? @itsjustem @Harry_Styles'

@Harry_Styles 'you'll find out on Saturday young one @NiallOfficial'

@NiallOfficial 'last time I checked, I'm older than you @Harry_Styles'

@itsjustem '@Harry_Styles stop tweeting my boyfriend and order your food gosh darnit!'

@itsjustem '@NiallOfficial do you want to watch a cook throw down or nah?'

@NiallOfficial 'yes! @itsjustem'

@Harry_Styles 'So you're allowed to tweet and I'm not? @itsjustem'

@itsjustem 'I'm putting the phone down now @Harry_Styles.'

Harry POV.

"So, who are your favourite chefs?" I ask Emily, picking up a piece of calamari.

"Gordon Ramsey is my all time favourite." She answers, clearly oblivious to what I'm planning. "Why?"

"Well, since we are having a cook off, I though I might ask. Gordon's a nice guy."

"I'm still mad at you for meeting him before me."

I laugh. "We didn't even know each other when I met him!"

"And I'm mad at Ed! I want to meet Gordon before I die."

I squeezed another lemon into Mum water, trying to keep the seeds from falling in and failing. I lean back in my chair. "That can be arranged. So. Which one of Ed's songs is your favourite."

Emily makes a face. "One cannot chose a favourite song! But if I had to, I'd go with Wake Me Up or Lego house. Maybe Give Me Love."

"Those are my favourite too." But those words didn't come from me. I smirk as Emily freezes in her seat.

"Those didn't come from your mouth. They are too deep and that means." She slowly looks behind her to see that Ed was standing behind her. "Harry Edward Styles what the hell?"

I hold my hands in a surrender. "Don't look at me. Your boyfriend said he had a late present coming right?"

All Emily does is nod. "But I didn't think it would be an actual human being! Oh my god an angel is standing behind me." And she abruptly stands up to give Ed a hug but bangs her knee on the table. She was about to let a curse word escape but Ed slapped a hand over her mouth. I'm still in my seat, laughing.

Ed removes his hand and goes to stand behind me. "No curse words. There are children around." He says, covering my ears.

I swat then away. "Ha. Says the one who curses in his own songs." I turn to my food and finish it. Ed joins us and orders some pasta. I just sat back and watch the two of them converse.

This was all Niall's plan. Ed was away for promos on Emily's birthday and he told me when he accidentally walked in on her changing into pyjamas, singing to Ed Sheeran. He contacted Ed and all we had to do was wait for Ed to return. Then I would pick her up and take her to lunch where she would meet Ed.

And who says we aren't good at forming plans?


Idek what happened with this. I just wrote and it wrote itself.

- Emily


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