368 6 2

Edited May 15, 2016
Re-edited July 14, 2018

Emily POV.

Two months I've been back from London. My popularity at school has grown. I am followed around a lot in public. During soccer games and practices, fans show up to try and get a glimpse of me and sometimes paparazzi try to sneak in. Summer Band has started up, which makes me really happy. We have just gotten music and and section leaders.

Right now, I'm babysitting my niece at the park near my house. "Abby, don't go too far." I warn, sitting on a swing to watch her play in the sand box a few feet away.

I wish that my friends would talk to me. They think now that I'm dating a celebrity, I'm too good for them. Valerie is the only on who talks to me. We're too close to let popularity tear us apart. We sit together at lunch, avoiding those who want to use me.

Abby was joined with a little boy now and they were digging a hole in the gravel. My phone buzzes, notifying I have a text.

'Hey, what's up?' It was from Niall.

To Niall: Nothing. Babysitting my niece. Isn't it like really late in London? Shouldn't you be asleep!

From Niall: I'm not in London.

To Niall: what?! Where are you?

From Niall: Look behind you.

I turn around in the swing and there's Niall, standing there with a dozen roses. "Niall! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be rehearsing for your tour?"

Niall shrugs. "I got a few days off. I thought your parents would like to meet me. You met mine. And I wanted to see you!" He picks me up and swings me around.

Setting me on the ground, I head back to Abby. "Come on, Abby. Let's go home and play with Hannah!" The four year old jumps up excitedly and I grab her hand. "Abby, this is Niall."

"Hi Niall!"

"Hello there, Abby!"

The walk to my neighbourhood was short. My phone started ringing. It was mom wanting to know where I was. "I'm two minutes away from home."

"Just a heads up, we won't be able to stay long. I have band practice soon."

"Sounds good." Niall replied. "Sandra wants us to be seen public anyways." I nod, understanding.

We finally make to my house and I let us in. Abby immediately runs off to play. "Mom! I'm leaving for band! Niall's here. He wanted to meet you and dad." I grab Niall's hand and lead him to the kitchen where I find my mother reading some mail.

"Hey, mom. I'm going to run and get my stuff. Niall wanted to meet you." I give her a look that tells her to behave. I could hear a conversation starting up as I walk to my room. I quickly change into gym shorts, a t-shirt. I grab mismatched socks and my worn down gym shoes. I return to find dad has joined Niall and mom. They seem to like him. Grabbing my music and piccolo, I stuffed them into my backpack along with a water bottle and some fruit snacks and granola bars.

Grabbing the sunscreen, I lather it on, stuffing the bottle into my backpack as because I know I'd need it. "I'd hate to ruin this conversation but Niall and I have to go. Were gonna stop by Subway on the way. Love ya!" I grab my cellphone and wallet as we walk out the front door.

"Where's your school?" Niall asks, grabbing my hand.

"Fifteen minutes away. Practice doesn't start for another two hours but I like to get Subway sometimes and get a head start on practising my music or working on marching. Sometimes we start up a game of soccer." The walk to Subway considered of running away from paparazzi and a few over obsessive fans.

"To be honest, I'm never going to get used to that." I say, taking a seat in one if the booths to catch my breath.

Niall sits across from me and agrees. "I've been doing this for almost four years. I'm still not used to it. Last week, I so exhausted from radio interviews and tv interviews and photo shoots, I walked into Tesco to pick up some toothpaste, I was so confused when five girls came up to me asking for a photo and autograph."


Wattpad deleted what I originally wrote so I had rewrite it -_-

I like what I wrote this time better.

Tomorrow's Fridayyyyy!!!

- Emily


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