Holy shit. I just saw the number of reads. 4.2k reads. I almost fell off my couch.
Edited May 29, 2016
Emily POV.
Today, we go in for another ultra sound. It's still a little early to find out the gender though. We won't find out for another few weeks. My due date is somewhere in December. I think the middle of December.
"Emily?" The nurse called for me. Niall and I stood up and followed the nurse to the room. "Lie on the bed here."
I lie down. The nurse asks some questions and I reply, my throat hurting just a bit. I told her about the surgery to remove my tonsils and she said that would be okay. (A/n: idk if you actually can have. Surgery while pregnant, so lets pretend you can). The nurse left and said the doctor would be in soon.
"Emily, welcome back! How are you?" Dr. T walks in.
I shrug my shoulders. "Just a little sore with my throat."
Dr. T gets the machine and I lift up my shirt, poking my stomach. This is as close as I'm going to get to abs. Dr. T pours some of that goop onto my stomach and I flinch from the sudden coldness.
She moves the wand thing around and flips a switch. "There." A steady heart beat filled the room. I held my breath.
Niall wove his fingers into mine. "We made that heart beat." I nod, too busy staring at the photo of my ultra sound, trying to find the fetus.
"Unfortunately, the fetus is still too small to see the gender. Come in monthly and we can eventually see it. How about November 16. You'll be about eight months?" Dr. T turned off the sound and handed us a recording. Niall took it as I cleaned the goop off of me and pulled my shirt down.
I search through my calendar on my phone. "That'll work. Niall?"
Niall nods. "Same. That'll work for me too."
We head to the front desk and make the appointment and get a reminder card.
Returning home, I immediately locked myself in the garage.
"Hi, daddy."
No repsonse.
"Sorry I haven't been around. Things have been busy. If you didn't know, Niall and I are pregnant. And the wedding is set for October 25, I think. I'll have to check on that. But it's around that date."
Nothing stirred.
"I miss you. I was really hoping to have you walk me done the aisle. There's still one thing I wonder that I know I'll never get and answer to."
I sat quiet for a second.
"Why did you do it?"
Supper shirt bc I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to make chapter 99 the epilogue and 100 information about the sequel.
I've never made a sequel before.
- e.h.
Nemily: Real Or Fake?
Fanfiction[RE-EDITING] Niall Horan. The only one in One Direction who hasn't had a girlfriend in a few years. Management decides to hire him a girl from America, named Emily, to date the Irish lad for two years. The two of them fly back and forth constantly t...