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Edited May 29, 2016

Third pov.

Emily woke up on her wedding day and found Niall gone.

'Don't want bad luck! I'll see you at the alter!' He left in a note.

Emily woke up and sent Little Mix, Sophia, and Eleanor a text saying she was up. Then she woke up Valerie and Katelyn.

"Today's the day. Wake up!"

The doorbell sounded fifteen minutes later and Emily waddled down the stairs.

"TODAYS THE DAY!" The six girls cheered, pulling her to her bedroom a Emily and Niall moved into a couple weeks ago.

In three hours, Emily would be under that alter, kissing her new husband. "Go shower while we get everything set!" Perrie demanded.

Perrie was also blooming a seven month old pregnant womb. Little Mix are still touring. Perrie doesn't dance a lot. But Zerrie was still engaged. Not married.

Emily returned, all clean and smelling of mangos and strawberries and peaches. Leigh grabbed the wedding dress from the closet and helped Emily into the dress. While Jesy did Emily's make up, everyone get ready into their bridesmaids dresses. The dresses were a light pink colour, except for Valerie's, who was the maid of honor. He dress was a deep pink.

The limo pulled up just as Jesy was finished with her makeup.

All nine girls piled in, ready for the big day.


Niall stood at the alter, waiting for his soon to be wife. Harry's stood behind him, smiling. His band mate was getting married. And he was the best man. Zayn, Louis, and Liam were in a different part of the church, waiting to walk down Eleanor, Perrie, and Sophia,

Leigh and Jordan were walking down the aisle.

Jesy and Jake were going down together.

Jade and Samuel were walking down together.

Katelyn was walking down with Lux, the flower girl.

Soon, the music started up and everyone stood and turned as the grand oak doors of the hall opened up, letting Lux and Katelyn through, leading the line of bridesmaids and groomsmen.

Then the organ music started. Nialls heart fluttered and Emily's was about to jump out of her chest. Collyns offered his arm and Emily took it. "Don't let me fall." She told him.

"I won't."

The two of them walked down the aisle. Niall took Emily's hand and Collyns joined the audience.

"We gather here today, on October 25th, 2014 to celebrate the marriage of Emily Rose Steiner and Niall James Horan. Before I continue, does anyone object to this marriage?"

No one spoke.

"We will start with vows. Emily, will you start?"

Emily, being Jewish, agreed to have the wedding in a church. Only of there wasn't any mention of Jesus.

Emily sniffed and grabbed Nialls hands. "Niall." Her voice already going up an octave. "When I first heard about One Direction, I was like, cool. Another boyband. But then I started watching YouTube video after YouTube video of you guys and your X factor performances. At first, I was a Harry girl." Behind Niall, Harry fist pumped, earning a couple laughs. "But then I woke up one morning and I was just drawn to you. Drawn to your blue eyes and blonde hair. Your laugh made me smile when no one else could. I told myself everyday that you were the one for me. I told my parents that I was infatuated with you. They joked about it, but never in a million years would I think I would be here. Standing in front of you on this alter. Carrying your son and walking out of here married to you." Emily took a tissue that Perrie handed her and wiped her tears away. "You made me feel like I had a purpose living on this earth. I never regret the day I typed in one direction on YouTube and hit the first video that popped up. I love you. Always have. Always will. And nothing can ever change my mind on it. And that's a promise."

Emily finished and the pastor turned to Niall.

He cleared his throat. "When I first met you, I thought this wasn't going to last, to be honest. But once I got to know you more, I found myself becoming more attracted to you. When you left London and returned home, I was lonely and lost and cold at nights because I had no one next to me. I thought that I was going to lose you when you were in the hospital, but when you woke up, I knew right then and there that I had chosen the right girl to fall in love with it. I promise to you that what ever happens from this day forward, I will be there as much as I can, standing by your side."

A few sniffles made their way across the room.

Theo was gently shoved forward, a pillow with two rings lay ontop. The two lovers take their ring.

"Do you, Niall James Horan, take Emily Rose Steiner to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Niall whispered, slipping the ring onto Emily's finger.

"Do you, Emily Rose Steiner, take Niall James Horan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Emily slid the ring onto his forefinger.

"I do."


Aaaaaaaaaaand scene.

I had fun writing this.

Did I really end it on the same night as WWAT ends? Yep.

Did I really end it the same way John Green did in TFIOS? Yep.

Sue me.


Don't actually sue me.

I was joking.


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