Shock Waves

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In later chapters there will be smut and there will be swearing from the beginning. This story may be triggering to some people. This story isn't going to be ur typical cutesy student/teacher story. It's different.


Song of the Chapter: E.T. by Katy Perry


*Zayn's POV*

"Hey Ni. We better head out soon," I say, sholeveling some food into my mouth.

"Ya. Wouldn't want to be late on the first day," Niall says, cramming a piece of toast in his mouth.


It feels like the first day of highschool all over again. The only difference? I am the teacher, not the student. I am the one in charge, not them. Niall and I part ways to go to our classrooms.

It feels weird sitting down at the desk. It's only been a month since I was the student... I set my papers down on the desk and wait patiently for the heavy flow of students to file in.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

About 20 students run into the classroom yelling and shoving eachother. Oh god.

"Take your seats everyone!" I shout over the loud mass of students.

Everyone chooses a seat near their friends so it didn't quiet down much. There is one student though...he is silently sat in the back, right corner of the classroom just playing with his pencil. He twirls it between his large fingers and I feel myself getting distracted. I hurriedly snap out of it.

"My name is Mr. Malik and-" I am cut off by a student in the back row.

"Ha Mr. Malik," he snickers.

"Is there a problem?" I ask clasping my hands together.

"Oh no. It's nothing," he waves it off.

"What's your name young man?" I ask slowly walking down the aisle.

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson," he says kicking his feet up onto the desk.

"Well Mr. Tomlinson. Are we going to have a problem?" I ask pushing his feet off the desk and placing my hands there instead.

I lean in close to his face and await his answer,"no sir."

"That's what I thought," I say pushing myself back up.

While the class laughs at him, I swing around, walking down the aisle, swaying my hips a bit more than necessary. Maybe I am trying to impress a certain someone. As I turn around I see the boy in the back of the class smirking at his desk, ruffling his curls.

"Anyway... I was saying that I will be your English teacher for the year. Any questions?" I say looking around.

A brown-haired boy in the back row raises his hand.

"Yes?" I point at him.

"Will these be our seats for the rest of the year?"

"Most likely. If you cause problems though, the seating will definitely change."

He simply nods and sits back. There seems to be no further questions.

"Okay. Let's play a game so I can get to know all your names."

Everyone groans except for the curly-haired boy. He seems...distant.

"Everyone stand up and make a circle."

"Last time I checked we aren't in kindergarten," one of them sasses.

"Say your first name, age, and a food that starts with the same letter as your name," this earned a few giggles and looks of disbelief.

"I guess I'll go first. My name is Zayn. I'm 26 years old. Zucchini."

"My name's Harreh. I'm 16. Honey," my heart skips a beat as he says 'honey'.

"You all know that I'm Louis. I'm 18. Lettuce."

"I'm Liam. 18 years of age. Lemon."

The bell rings right as the game ends. All of my students run out the door as soon as possible, excluding Harry, Liam, and Louis. Harry is taking his time grabbing his things while Liam is bouncing crazily and saying they need to hurry. Finally he just yanks them both out of the class. When Harry passes me, I couldn't help but close my eyes in pleasure. His intoxicating.


I rush into the teachers lounge searching for Niall. I quickly spot him at a table in the back. He appears to be giggling at what the ginger-haired teacher beside him had said. I sit down next to Niall.

"Hey! It's Zayn!" He shouts throwing his arm around me,"Zayn. This is Ed. Ed. This is Zayn," he motions between me and the other teacher.

We wave at eachother meekly.

"Niall. I need to tell you something," I say hesitantly.

He quickly whisper,"later. At the penthouse."

Niall quickly looks up and launches into his story of how him and Ed had met,"I was trying to find my classroom this morning, but I got terribly lost. As I was jogging down the hall, I bumped into Ed and he dropped all of his stuff on the floor. After we had picked everything up, I informed him that I was new and had no idea where I was going. He kindly guided me to the drama wing and explained that I was in the math wing of the school. I'm just so stupid sometimes. Must be the blonde hair," he speculates.

I chuckle at the story. The way Ni explained it, makes it seem like he has a crush on Ed. He's a frisky boy. Goes after anyone who catches his eye. Sometimes I even have to get out of the house to avoid the hyena calls coming from his bedroom at night. Too many parteners in my opinion.

"Well I better head out. I've got so much stuff to plan tonight," Ed says throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"Awe nooooo," Niall pouts,"lemme walk you to your car at least?"

"Sure bud," Ed says ruffling Niall's hair.

It is quite funny. He makes Ni look like a small pup.

"See ya later guys," I wave to them.

How am I going to explain to Niall that I might like one of my students?

I bite my lip and head to my car, mentally preparing myself to tell Niall.


A/N: yerp. Here's the first chappie upon request from @bookleader Yaaaa.... So pumped!!!! Btw there might be some Ned in this story, aka Ed and Niall so ya. Comment, Vote so Ik that I'm writing to humans and not ghosts. I like to chat :) Anywhooooooo...

~~~~It's Zen

Broken English (Student/Teacher Zarry&LiLo)Where stories live. Discover now