Sex 101 With Zayn Malik

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A/N: This is another filler chapter :/ Please let me know if u have any ideas for this fanfiction because I am experiencing major writers block with the plot and might need to put this story on hold ;(


*Third Person POV*

"Did you seriously not have Sex Ed class, or Human Growth and Development when you were younger?" Zayn asked, sat atop his desk.

Harry shook his head, swinging his legs beneath him in excitement.

"How?" Zayn asked completely confounded as to how this boy could have bypassed every single lesson about his body.

He shrugged. "My mum was never around to sign the permission slips, plus I skip PE a majority of the time because of bullies and other reasons..."

"Mhmm," Zayn hummed, nodding along. "Well, I'll teach you then!"

"If you want. I don't care either way."

"Yes of course. Everyone needs those awkward years of Human Growth and Development where they have to copy down the definition of a penis of the ovaries," Zayn said in a heartfelt voice.

"Ya... Okay old man." Harry nodded slowly, a creeped out half-smile on his face. "I'm gonna go now."

Harry stood up and positioned his crutches before heading to the door. Zayn blocked the doorway with a small smile on his face.

"I'm not old! In fact, I'm only 26 years old!" Zayn argued.

"That's old. I'm 16." Harry attempted to side step Mr. Malik.

"That's young. Did you skip a grade?" Zayn asked confused as to how a 16 year old was a 6th form student.

"My mum lied to my kindergarten teachers to get me in at a young age because she couldn't handle being home alone with me anymore."

"Oh... Makes sense."

"May I go now?" Harry was beginning to grow impatient.

"I would be happier if you stayed, please?" Zayn begged, still blocking the entryway.

Harry sighed. "Fine, but on one condition."

"Yes?" I motioned for him to continue.

"Drive me to work today."


"Why?" Harry whined.

"Have you seen your leg? You're still on crutches for god sake!" Zayn reasoned with him.

"Okay. G'day then Zayn." Once again the older boy blocked him from exiting, which infuriated the younger boy.

"Let me through!" Harry whined again.

"How 'bout no."

Harry bounced in exasperation.

"You're acting like a puppy. It's adorably annoying."

"Then let me leave."

"As I've previously stated, no you may not pass through, but I will renounce this offer if you'll agree to go on a date with me."

Harry mulled it over, chewing on his bottom lip. "Okay... Fine old man."

"I'm only 26." It was Zayn's turn to be petulant.

"Uh huh." Harry nodded, hobbling over to his desk.

"Now! For your personal Sex Ed class." Zayn smacked a ruler against the chalkboard for affect.

Harry groaned. "Ew no thanks."

Zayn waltzed over to Harry's desk and whispered seductively against his ear, "This is the boring part, but don't worry, we'll have a first hand experience together...eventually."

Harry's breath hitched as he nodded. "Continue my lesson Mr. Malik."

"Okay well, I can either explain it to you out loud, or I can be a normal teacher and give you definition packet to copy."


Zayn was praying that Harry would choose the latter because the former is just unbearably awkward.

"Speak to Zayn Malik." Harry leant forward in his chair.

"Oh yes...of course." Zayn cleared his throat. "Tell me what you already know first."

Harry launched into a conversation about what he knew, which was even less than expected.

*3 Hours Later*

"We shall continue this later. It's late. I'm tired, and I want to go home." Zayn said, sighing and rubbing his temples.

"Ya, sure, okay." Harry agreed.

Zayn picked up his bag and glasses, placing them on the bridge of his nose before grabbing his keys.

"Let's go." Zayn nodded toward the door.

"Okay..." Harry bit his lip deciding where it is he wanted to go: his house, Lou's, or Zayn's. "Where are we going?"

"I'm going home, but I can drop you off on my way, or you can hang at mine and Niall's for a bit, and I'll drive you home on my way to work."

"Speaking of work. The deal was if I stay then you drive me to work."

"And I'm not going to because of your leg."

Harry frowned. "Fine. Next week though."

"Deal." Zayn nodded. "Now where are we off to?"

"I'll come by yours for a bit."


A/N: IM SORRY THIS WAS A SHORT PIECE OF SHIT. I will make up for this.

Until Next Time,

~~~~~It's Zen.

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