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A/N: Mainly LILO chappie bc we haven't had much LILO action yet so enjoy. Btw I love the word erotic lol.

P.S. Check out my poetic story Society Killed the Teen if u feel like it. (May be triggering to some) it's a coming soon story ya.


Song of the Chapter: Shout by Tears for Fears

(I just listened to this while I wrote:/)


*Liam's POV*

There was a loud, sloppy knock at the door that drew me out of my thought. I closed the book I was reading and placed it onto the night stand beside me.

"Leeyummm! Open the door!" Louis slurred on the opposite side of the door.

Oh not again Lou! I yanked the door open and an unprepared Louis tumbled over the threshold.

"What have I told you about coming home drunk?" I groaned.

"You don't like it and...and...umm I dunno," Louis scratched his head trying to remember.

"The last part is: if you pull anything funky, you're not staying here," I said firmly.

He saluted me, "got it General Lem."

I laughed at the name.

"Where were you?" I questioned wondrously.

"This club called..." Louis scratched his head in thought, "Erotic Paradise!"

"Oh my god. Louis," I released his waist causing him to tumble to the floor.

"What's wrong Liam?" He asked standing up shakily.

"THATS A GAY STRIP CLUB!" I shouted pacing the room.


"You're not supposed to go places like that when your in a commited relationship. Unless of course..."

He raised an eyebrow as if motioning for me to continue.

"Unless your partener is there with you," I said matter-of-factly.

"Oh did you want to come and see Zaynie?" Louis asked teasingly.

"Who's Zaynie?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You know that douche from school," Louis said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I cocked my eyebrow in confusion, "who?"

"Our English teacher Mr. Malik."

Mr. Malik is a stripper?! "Lou. Are you fucking with me?" I asked choking on my spit.

"Nope. He's quite a lovely lap dancer," Louis said in a daydream.

"Oh hell no Louis! He's our teacher. Don't tell anyone about this!" I scolded him.

Louis pouted, "but Liam! This would be great for the war between us! I would get the upper hand!"

"No means no Louis," I said firmly.

"Gosh you act like my dad," Louis crossed his arms petulantly.

I stepped closer to him smirking, "so is that why you call me daddy?"

"Maybe?" He seductively placed a hand on my bare chest.

"Oh..." I kissed Louis's lips and tasted the strong flavour of vodka.

"Damn Louis how much did you drink tonight?" I said smacking my lips at the nasty taste.

"About... I dunno... A lot," he smiled hopefully.

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