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*Zayn's POV*

After about 10 minutes, I decided to go back into the room and untie him. He deserves that much. I chuckled lightly to myself as I turned the door knob. I was just like him when I first started. Young...too young, and näive. I shook the guilt and regret from my mind, but I couldn't shake the thought that I could help him somehow. Steer him away from this lifestyle before he gets in too deep. Be there for him, like Niall was for me, despite the fact that I didn't want him to be. I hated leaning on people for support. It made me feel weak. Still does...

When I opened the door, I burst into laughter, nearly falling to the ground. Harry had tipped over his chair. His face was pressed to the floor with his bum sticking in the air, wiggling, due to the chair being stuck to his bum and his hands.

"What on gods green earth are you doing lad?" I said cracking up.

"Well, you left the room! I didn't know if you were coming back..." He whined, squirming beneath the heavy weight.

I put my hands on my hips, "of course I was coming back. What kind of a person would I be to leave a fellow stripper tied to a chair?"

Harry cringed at the word stripper, "do you really have to call me that?"

I bent over to whisper in his ear, "well that's what your learning to be now."

We're almost the same person. Neither of us wanted this lifestyle... We needed it.

I picked at the knot holding his hands behind the chair, "get out while you still can kid. Get out while you still can..."

"It's already to late," he whispered.

I kicked the chair off of him in anger, "ITS NOT TOO LATE! DONT YOU UNDERSTAND!"


Angry tears spilt out of his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away.

He tried running out of the room, but I slammed him against the wall, pinning him there.

"I do understand," I clenched my teeth, "you need to leave and never come back."

Harry writhed beneath me, "no. Your not my father. I'll do whatever the hell I want."

He shoved me off, but I quickly regained composure and twirled around, knocking us to the floor. I straddled his waist and placed my hands on his chest. While I was lost in thought, Harry decided to peel off my mask. The only reason I noticed was because of his loud gasp.

My hands immediately went to my face, guarding my identity, but it was too late.

"Mr. Malik?"

I rolled off of him and curled into a ball, "nope. Wrong person," I lied.

"Why else would there be the need to hide your face?"

Afraid of how my voice would sound, I kept silent.

"Nice lap dance though," he snickered.

I'm never going to hear the end of this. My career as a teacher is over. I rolled back and forth on the concrete.

Harry gripped my side and flipped me over, climbing on top, "stop stressing Zayn."

I looked up at him wide eyed. What. Is he. Doing?

Harry started rolling and rutting his hips against mine. I let out an involuntary moan, throwing my head back. This was embarrassing, my student making me moan. He's a natural.

Broken English (Student/Teacher Zarry&LiLo)Where stories live. Discover now