Why Are You Here?

489 22 2

Song of the Chapter: Crush (glee version)


*Louis's POV*

A warm, wet kiss was pressed against my forehead along with a few words, "See you tonight. Love you Boobear."

"Bye," I mumbled sleepily.

Liam chuckled. "Sleep darling."

"Planning on it." My speech was muffled by the pillow.

By then I was already out so if anything else was said I didn't hear it.


I was aware of another bodily presence snuggled against my body.

"Leeyum?" I asked, my voice rough and hoarse.

The person simply snuggled in closer to me. Some curls rubbed against my shoulder and I knew it was Harry. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He was just too cute. Harry sighed sweetly in my arms, his mouth hanging open slightly.

"Babe?" I whispered, rubbing his back.

He was honestly like a little brother, or a son to me. Harry rolled over stubbornly, pushing his nose into the crevice between my side and the bed. I pat his back lightly indicating that I was about to move. Harry tried to clutch at my shirt, but stopped when he realized that I was wearing one. He whined while I sat up, my right arm holding me up.

"Harry. You're a big boy. Your 16," I tried reasoning with him.

He just kept his eyes closed while he reached out to me, his hands opening and closing on the air inbetween us. I sighed and climbed out of bed, leaning over to pick up the larger boy.

"Your lucky I'm strong Styles," I said sternly while his arms snaked around my neck and his legs hung limp.

I kept waiting for him to clasp his legs around my waist like a koala, but then I remembered that his leg was still tender. My other arm wrapped around his legs and hoisted him up so that I was carrying him bridal style. Harry snuggled into my neck, smiling softly.

"Your such a child," I giggled, carrying him to the couch.

Harry was always quiet when he was tired. He's never really been much of a talker anyway. When we reached the couch, Harry whined and gripped onto my neck even though I was practically shaking him off.

"Harry." My voice was soft and high. "BooBear has to go make breakfast now," I murmered the next part almost silently, "not to mention take a leak."

Harry went limp and I nearly dropped him.

"Haz," I said sternly as I layed him on the couch.

"Boo," he said quietly and quickly, popping the 'b'.

I shook my head, smiling and padding down the hall to the bathroom. After I had relieved myself, I washed my hands and went to to the kitchen. On my way there, I practically cooed at the sight on the couch. Harry was all curled up like a kitten in his maroon sweatpants that were way too big, and his grey, thin sweatshirt, mouth open slightly with his hood and drawstrings flung everywhere.

I snorted and continued on to the kitchen. What to make...what to make... Ah! I got it! Pancakes!

I grabbed out some pancake mix, butter, eggs, a mixer, a glass bowl, milk, and all the other necessary ingredients. In all honesty, I kinda suck at cooking, but oh well.

*20 minutes later*

The pestiferous beeping of the smoke detector rang out, demanding to be heard. Harry groaned loudly. Shit! I was trying to let him sleep.

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