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Song of the Chapter: Don't Stop by 5 Seconds of Summer


*Harry's POV*

I smile as I enter Zayn's classroom for detention. After talking to Lou for two hours, my nerves evaporated.

"Hello Mr. Malik. Just me today?" I ask, plopping into my chair.

Zayn glances up from his papers, his glasses falling slightly down his nose. "Yes. Just you Harry." He sighs out annoyed.

"I'm sorry about that whole scene that I caused back in class. My life is a bit crazy at the moment. I didn't mean to take it out on you." I drop my head in sincerity, a bit ashamed of my actions. "Sometimes I just lose my head."

"It's alright Harry." Zayn's voice turns softer, and he opens his mouth as if to continue, before closing it.

The silence surrounding me becomes extremely uncomfortable.


Zayn rips his glasses from his face, slamming them against the table. "What the fuck is going on between us? Because I'm honestly so confused." His fingers press against his temples.

My head shoots up and my eyes widen like a deer in headlights.

"What do you-"

Zayn cut me off. "Don't play dumb. Please. I know that you're still a child and that what we're doing is extremely wrong, but... Can we just talk about-about us? Or whatever this is?"

"Ya. Sure." I run my hands against my thighs. "What's bothering you?"

"One minute you're at my flat begging me to fuck you into oblivion, then the next you're causing trouble and screaming at me. What's that all about? Did something happen?"

"I'm sorry for toying with you like that. I meant it when I said I liked you Zayn, it's just..." I look up at the ceiling, not wanting to stare at Mr. Malik.

"Just what?"

"I'm not old enough for you, we should just wait until I'm eighteen." I rush out.

Zayn stares at me speechless. "I'm so sorry Harry. I didn't mean to push you into anything. I-"

"No no Zayn it's okay. I want this. I want you, but I don't want you getting into trouble. I've thought about it and well..."

Zayn stands up and walks over to my desk, getting on his knees and embracing me. "I can wait. I will wait for you forever." He pecks my forehead.

"Thank you." I tilt my head up and connect our lips. He instantly melts into it, resting a hand on the back of my neck. "A goodbye for now kiss."

Zayn nods, our foreheads still pressed together. Suddenly he giggles. "When's your birthday?"

I smile. "February 1st."

He pecks my lips one more time. "Four more months."



*Zayn's POV**Later That Evening*

It's odd seeing Harry back at work, especially since we kind of broke up earlier. He is so beautiful and sexy and perfect and- My thoughts are cut off by a man tapping my shoulder.

I turn around. "Jared?" My eyes go wide as his name slips from my mouth. "What are you doing here? I thought you got married or something."

My heart picks up its pace. It's been so long since I've seen him. He's still toned as ever.

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