Chapter Seven: Despondent

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Maxx's POV

"I'm so sorry Maxx." My father shakes his head, the bags under his eyes are more sullen than usual.

My insides twist inside of me and my face turns into cement. The silence in the room accurately resembled my future...nonexistent.

My father is a brave, kind, hardworking man, and a single father. He had received a small will leftover from his family. I guess we had finally run out.

He had been working ever since my mother died two years ago. Aside from odd jobs he worked, he was also trying to get a bachelors degree in education.

All of his free time was filled with online classes. He always stayed up late, sometimes till the ass crack of dawn.

"We can't afford to send you to your first choice art school, maybe we can try a smaller one. I know it means a lot to you. I'll continue working as hard as I can." He says, his forehead creasing.

It had to be Venus Art Institute. I've sculpted my whole life around all of my idols have attended there. It was my escape plan, my hatch out of this small town.

Plus, my mother went there.

I thought for a long second about what to say. 

"O-okay." I feel my eyes brimming with tears. I pause for a moment registering what this meant for me. "May I go out?" I ask weakly. I didn't want him to worry. He was doing his best he didn't deserve that. He does so much for me.

"Of course." He waves at me, crinkles his brows, pushes up his glasses and continues typing. I look down at floor hopelessly. I then meander outside calling Eva without a second thought, or even a first.

"Hey!" She yawns, still cheerful despite the fact that I had probably woken her up.

"I'm sorry for waking you. Eva, we can't afford to go to Venus." I choke and then the tears flow. Saying it aloud hurt a whole load more.

There was a silence on the other line. I hear strange rustling.

"See you in 2 minutes." She hangs up.

I feel dizzy, my legs go limp on the sidewalk. I push my glasses up to wipe the unholy amount of tears falling.

The maroon Honda screeches around the corner coming to a breaking halt in front of my house. The window rolls down.

"Hop in, we're gonna go get some pizza." She says, obviously thrilled.

"Maxx! What's up!" A cheery voice says from the back seat. It was Quinn Everett, she was a friend of Eva, she usually sat with us during lunch.

Her short curly black hair, wide twinkling brown eyes, and flawless mocha skin made her look like a doll. She smiles to expose her adorable dimples.

I knew from Eva that she doesn't usually associate with people from the school because she doesn't trust them and she had bad experiences in the past. I don't blame her at all.

She was a model, her mother owned a large corporation. Her family as well as Quinn was pretty wealthy so she was always sought after by people for friendships or relationships. She got tired of it and now ignores just about anyone who tries to talk to her. The only person I've seen her with at school is Eva.

I feel my tears drying, but I didn't feel like speaking otherwise they would pour out again.

Out of politeness I manage a hello.

"Can we go to that party Evie! I heard that Lena is having one tonight! I think that cute new girl was invited." Quinn begs, now laying across the back seat.

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