Chapter Fifteen: Clearly

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Maxx's POV

Was it a date?

Kody took me out for ice cream the other day, and it weird. It was a good weird. I couldn't help but feel giddy, like I was on a date.

But Kody was straight, well, either that or straight out of the closet.

We've kissed twice, once two years ago and then earlier this year. Was he questioning? Lets not forget, it did end up happening twice.

He's a football player and I'm an art student. I mean, if opposites attract it would be perfect. How could it possibly work out though?

I'd heard he had been with multiple girls around the school and the rumors just kept growing . I've heard every female name from Vicky to Jenna to Emma.

But I can't seem to shrug off the way he smiles at me and his god made dimples. It was too much for my heart.

He even showed interest and talked to me about art. He didn't even get annoyed considering how much I was talking about it.

I had entered a bunch of my pieces in competitions all around the country. Anything I could qualify for I entered. I had actually won a couple of small contests that had helped me add to my college fund.  Things were actually looking up for me.

"Maxx!" Eva bops my head.

I sit up from my desk, agitated. I just wanted to close my eyes and rest. It was after school and I had been waiting for my photos to finish developing. I frown putting on my black rimmed glasses.

"What now? I'm having a first world crisis." I groan, not caring about the dramatization. Usually Eva's the friend that has problems, there's always something chaotic with that one. Not today, I'm the one in crisis.

"You're having a crisis? What's going on?" Her eyes widen as if she had prepared for this all her life.  "Is it boys?"

"Maybe." I slump down.

"You're too cute, this boy is probably totally in love with you and you're just too oblivious to realize." She plops down next me.

"This boy is the same boy who told me to never talk about what happened between us and IF he's gay he's probably so far in the closet he's found Narnia or the world from Monsters Inc." I vented to Eva.

"We did go out for ice cream yesterday." I couldn't hide my blush.

She scrunches her face into a fan girl smile. "Well, why else would he take you out? I don't think he's the type of person to be fake or play you. I think he probably likes you for real. He's probably taking it slow for himself and wherever his mind is at. I do know that his mom is homophobic, according to Lois. So I'm assuming he's been locked in that closest."

"It's too good to be true. I don't want him to get hurt and I don't want to be hurt. I just wish I knew what was going on with him. Maybe he's being nice to keep me quiet." I frown, I didn't really believe that. I feel my self growing exhausted. Tired of uncertainty.

"If it is true, you'll probably be the one he goes for. You're dumb if you think he doesn't have any kind of feelings for you. Otherwise, the idiot wouldn't have kissed you in the first place." She digresses.

"But Maxx, be careful, I don't want you getting hurt again." She looks at me with her bright brown eyes serious.

She suddenly sticks out her tongue and giggles.

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