Chapter Twenty Three: Happy

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Kody's POV

It had been a month since the beach trip. I still smiled thinking about how perfect everything was when ever I thought about Maxx. I found myself smiling randomly at work. Jubilee wasn't hiring anymore so I was stuck across the street at McDonald's.

"Hey." My cute chipper boy with an neon orange hat pops over to the counter.

"Can I take your order?" I say to Maxxie as he scans the menu.

"I'd like a kids meal, please." He says with a smile playing on his lips. He props his chin on his fist giggling.

"What's so funny?" I state, amused.

"Katrina found a picture of herself from 5th grade...." He exclaims and begins to share the story.

We've been like this for a while now, super duper comfortable. Whenever we were around each other everything was simple and it fit. I found my self thinking about things that I never thought I would even be considering.

I hand him his kids meal.

"Thanks Maxxie." He winks and walks out.

I was addicted to him. Every little thing he did just had me smiling, high off of the feeling of living. Even when we would argue it was only when he would destroy me in Mario kart. He always got the red shells! I was still very bitter about that.

Although his confidence boosted, he was still shy around others that weren't in our immediate group of friends. He never took any shit from Danny or Corbin.

Maxxie started to stand up for himself. The friend group also wouldn't stand for any bullshit they pulled. If Danny ever messed with my boyfriend again I would destroy him.

Prom was tomorrow. The whole group was going together with Lois excluded. Lois had been giving me the silent treatment since Maxx and I had gotten together. She had a certain way of dealing with her problems. This was her way of dealing with not being at home. Despite our disconnect the group still had decided to make a stellar appearance at the prom this year.

I had asked Maxxie of course and he said yes, but he was asked to take pictures at the dance. I was fine with it as long as he saved me a dance. I found that coming out at school wasn't as bad as I thought. I had friends already who supported me and those who didn't minded their own business. I really didn't care what people thought of me.

Maxx and I would hold hands but that's the furthest our PDA would go during school hours. Who wants to see that? Many girls did think that we were "TOO PURE." I didn't really mind the attention.

After my shift ended I knew there was something I had to do.

Maxxie was almost done with his shift so I sat and waited for 10 minutes as he locked up.

"Hey, can I ask you somthing?" I let out a shallow breath.

"Sure." He says his smile wavering a bit.

"Lois really misses home. Is there a way you could talk to my mom with me tonight to try to make her understand?" I rub the back of my neck as nervousness hits me.

"Are you sure?" He says studying my face.

I nod, he blinks in understanding, wrapping his arms around my torso.

Maxx's POV

Kody knocks at his front door reluctantly. I grab his hand instinctively.

The door opens ominously and sure enough an old woman peeks out the door .

"Mother." Kody says gripping me tighter where I couldn't feel much blood circulation.

She opens the door slightly more taking a quick glance at me her beady eyes ended at our hands. She attempts to shut the door but Kody stops it with his hand forcing entry into the home.

"Mother." He says again inside the home.

The stature of the woman was frail as well as the appearance of the house. Books were strewn across the living room as well as papers and pamphlets stacked in a careless manner. A single reading lamp stood in the center of the room. They all seemed to be research papers, I catch at one titles balancing your faith.

"Kody, how is your sister?" Her tone is like gravel but yet full of concern.

"She's safe and well off." He crosses his arms. "Don't you want to know how I am?" He questions. I shrink behind him, afraid to interfere.

"Judging on you being here you look fine." His mother snaps sinking into a tan armchair.

He paces and she watches him curiously.

"Is that your boyfriend?" She spats glaring at me.

"Yes." He grits. I wait for him to introduce me before I decide to do it myself.

"I'm Maxxie Green. It nice to be of your acquaintance." I offer my hand, she shrugs me off with a ice cold stare.

"He's really amazing, mother. I've never been happier." He inches closer to the arm chair. She doesn't reply.

"What is all this?" He notions to the resources scattered across the carpet.

"Reading material." She answers quickly glancing away carefully.

I notice articles and news headlines that produce heavy right wing propaganda.

It was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. Nobody dared to speak a word until...

"Is it worth it?" I speak startling myself and causing my boyfriend and his mom to glance at me in surprise.

I can't step back now.

"Is it worth it to lose your family because of one single thing? Kody is gay, which is different and new to you and you don't know how to process it. You've probably been taught that it's wrong and that's been drilled into you since you were young. What you need to understand is that everyone has the right to love and people are different than you. But you know what Ms. James? Kody is different, but that doesn't make him not your son. He still loves football, he hasn't changed any aspects of himself, he is still the amazing boy that you've raised. He's ambitious, caring, and forgiving. Isn't what matters most is that he is happy?"

I breathe and Kody walks over taking my hand tears pouring out of his eyes no matter how hard he tried to conceal then. His mother was speechless as she glances at us.

"I'm happy and if what makes me happy isn't harming anyone else's being than I have the right to be happy."

"Take a drink every time you said happy." I nudge him giggling.

He smiles and looks at her.

"We're going to go now, but if you change your mind you know how to reach me. One more thing is that you have a daughter who needs her mother. Remember that."

With that he grabs my hang squeezing it ever so slightly and we leave.

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