Curiosity and the cat

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*(Y/N) POV*
"I would never hurt such magnificent creatures, and next t-" he stopped.
"Oh no what have I done! Just play it cool (Y/N), he's not going to hurt them." I tried to stand up, however with three knives sticking out of me, and a bitten leg, I could barely stand at all. I finally got to my feet and looked up at the man. "He's staring at my ears...." I could feel the heat spread across my face as I blushed, which made the man giggle a bit at me. Then the worst possible thing happened MY STOMACH GOWLED. I looked down in embarrassment, until the man sighed "come with me, you can stay the night." I looked up at him "wait... where the hell did the cats go!?"

*Sebastian's POV*
"Hmmm she must be hungry, but I better put these cats away first." I quickly run back to my room and gently placed the cats safely inside my wardrobe. I ran back to the girl and sighed "come with me, you can stay the night." She looked at me with a confused face.

"WOOF!" Barked that stupid dog running towards me.

*(Y/N) POV*
I jumped at the sudden noise, and sped around to the back of the man, using him as a protective barrier as I hiss at the stupid mutt. The man picked me up bridle style and carried me inside. I stuck my tongue out at the dog, watching it whine, as I was entering the mansion.

"My name is Sebastian Michaelis, head butler of this estate." the man said as he was me carrying up the stairs.     "(F/N)(L/N).  I can walk on my own you know." I said while starting to blush a little bit. Sebastian looked down at my leg and other injuries, but didn't speak a word until we got to a unfamiliar door.

"I'll be back to treat your wounds after I tend to my master." Sebastian put me down on a big bed and left the room. The room had purple walls, a queen sized bed and a beautiful big window that looked out towards the garden "Well I guess I'll be here for a bit. Better get these stupid knives out." I pulled each knife out, which hurt quite a lot, and soon after I placed them on the bedside table. I waited there on the bed for Sebastian to come back. I waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. "Well this is excruciatingly boring!" I turned to cat form and ran out the door.

I made my way down the stairs and saw a girl with redish pink hair, she was wearing a cute maid uniform and had glasses. I avoided her because I didn't belong in the manor, and I really didn't want her to see me. I turn the corner and almost get kicked by a young blonde boy. He looked down at me and smiled "May-rin!! Look I found a kitty!" The boy grabbed me and hugged me so tightly that I almost passed out. "MEW!" The boy realized he was hurting me and loosened his grip giving me an apology. "At least one person apologized for hurting me... thanks for the knives Sebastian!" "Speaking of Sebastian, he's probably going to be back soon."

I tried to jump or of the boys arms but he just caught me mid air and replied with "watch out kitty! You don't wanna fall." Now I was getting annoyed. I tried to get away again, however the woman who I assume is May-rin grabbed me out of the boys hands. "Can I please, just leave!" It took some time but I finally got to the floor! I continued running, not looking back at May-rin or the boy.

I was slightly out of breath when I finally reached my room. "How long was I gone for?" I jump on my bed, turn back human, and squeeze my pillow. It wasn't long before a curtain raven hair man knocked at my door. "You can come in!" I slightly shouted as I sat up, putting all my weight on my one hand. Sebastian came in the room with some bandages and other medical supplies, but since my wounds had almost completely healed, he just gave me a new dress to wear. It was black with (F/C) accents, and it ended below my knee. "It's beautiful! Thank you Sebastian!" He came over to the bed and started petting my head which made me purr. "Stop it!" I said while giggling. After a very long time of Sebastian petting me, I started to feel tired. Sebastian noticed and left the room. "UGH... (Y/N)! He's a demon, there heartless monsters. You have to keep yourself together."

Sebastian returned with a white night gown and handed it to me. "Thank you again Sebastian." I waited for him to leave so I could change... he didn't leave... "Um... Sebastian can I change into this now please?" I questioned "Of course you can, that's why I brought it to you Miss (Y/N)." He just stood there, HE DIDNT EVEN MOVE! "Um Sebastian you can just call me (Y/N) and... c-can I have some privacy when I'm changing?" Sebastian must have realized how creepy this situation had become, he blushed slightly "O-of course! I'm very sorry Miss (Y/N)!" Sebastian left instantly.

I had a bath, changed, and hoped into bed. Then my stomach growled. "I still haven't eaten anything, good thing I can eat human food!" I turned cat and crawled out of bed. I go down the same areas as I did this afternoon, however this time I was extremely careful to not meet up with May-rin or the boy. I walked around sniffing the air until I caught sent of something "CHICKEN!" I run at demon speed to the source of the smell, and see a taller blond man who looked to be the chief. I purred around his legs to get his attention "Oh a cat, how did you get in here ya little cutie! I know what you want, food right?" At his comment I nodded, and he gave me quite a big piece of chicken. I smiled at him and ran back to my room with the chicken in my mouth. After eating the chicken I turn back and fall asleep.

I hope it's ok that I used chicken instead of fish, I just wanted to change it up a bit! I'm a terrible speller and I probably have a lot of mistakes;;; so if anyone points it out I will fix it!!! Also if you have any suggestions just let me know^3^

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