Kitten in red

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Sorry for having my Authors note at the beginning. I just wanted to say that I might start working on a Yuri Plisetsky x reader sometime in the future.

I ran down the dark hallway, and proceeded to run down the stairs. It was late at night so I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing me. I continued to run until I found myself in a beautiful garden. "Oh right! This is the garden that my room looks out too... SHIT Sebastian's in my room!" I glance around, looking for a decent hiding place, however I just end up jumping in a bush.

In my sudden panic I didn't realize something else was in the bush. "Oh Bassy! Our love is truly a work of art. Two star crossed lovers, with a terrible fate." It was hard to tell who the girl? No, guy was. The man didn't look like anyone I had ever seen before. He has dark-red hair, shark-like teeth, and red-framed glasses. He seemed to notice me and started a conversation with me. "Wouldn't Bassy just look sexy covered in red." I don't think the man actually knew I could talk, or transform into a demon-human. He probably just thought I was an innocent little kitten. It was nice to 'talk' to someone about a strange subject, I don't know why it was nice, it just was. "Oh my! Bassy is coming towards me! He must be following his heart!" The red headed man jumped from out of the bush. I only got a quick look at who 'Bassy' was. Wait... Sebastian? "Oh Bassy! Did you miss me?" "With every knife so far, yes." I laugh internally, trying to keep myself from making any noise. "You're too mean Bassy." The red haired man said while striking a pose. Meanwhile as he struck the pose, he stepped on my already injured tail. "MEW!" I clamped my paws over my mouth, with tears falling down my cheeks. Never have I felt this must pain, not even with my first and only master. Fortunately Sebastian didn't seem to hear me

*Sebastian's POV*

Of course I knew (Y/N) was in the bushes with Grell. I didn't like the idea of her running from me, or being with another man, however this is Grell we're talking about, so I'm not worried. "You want to play (Y/N)? That's alright, I'll play." Grell was being annoying like usual "You're too mean Bassy." Grell proceeded to strike a what he would call a 'seductive' pose. However he did step on my kittens tail "My Kitten. I like the sound of that." I punched Grell in the face, which thankfully made him get off of my kittens tail. I told him to leave, and of course he didn't. I glanced down at my kitten, she still looked hurt, Grell noticed me staring, and grabbed my kitten in a very rough manner. "Stop looking at this ugly thing!" He said while tearing up. "Pay attention to me!" With that, Grell through (Y/N) across the garden, and jumped on me.

I pulled Grell off of me, and ran towards my flying Kitten. Her eyes were shut tight with tears seeping through. "Grell is going to need his own grim reaper once I'm done with him." I easy caught my kitten, however she still didn't open her eyes. Her stomach wound was reopened and was much larger and bloodier then the first time I saw it. Her tail was also bleeding and looked to be broken. "My my, you're stronger then you look Kitten." She didn't seem to be concerned about me carrying her, or she was just unconscious. Either way, I carried her up to her room and sat on her bed, petting (Y/N)'s head. I observed the room, my eyes fell on three knives that had dried blood on them, sitting on a bedside table, from the first time (Y/N) and I met. "So she was that kitten I found wandering around the grounds. I knew it."

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