Blood That Leaks Out Like A Faucet.

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I looked at Pluto, I normally didn't like dogs, and this was no exception. I was genuinely scared. "first a demon stalker then a hell hound what's next? A person who eats human flesh to live? Has white hair and a red eye? I wouldn't be surprised." I took a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves. Glancing over at Grell, I noticed he seemed uncomfortable and might have been thinking of something useful, that is until he started running back into the manor. "TRADER!!!" That was a bad idea, Pluto heard me and sniffed the air coming closer and closer to me. I might have been able to defend myself if I wasn't so scared, I couldn't even transform because I was so scared. I sat there in the bushes, eyes closed waiting for what lies ahead, waiting for the demon hound to find me. I could hear him coming closer, I slightly opened up my eyes just to see two bigger ones starring right back at me. Pluto growled, proceeding to open his mouth and lunge at me, making me scream and slam my eyes shut.

I expected to feel pain, or maybe even die, but instead I felt an arm around my waist, and a warm liquid on my face. I was pulled into the persons torso and I opened my eyes to see who it was. Pluto was across the courtyard, and holding me was Sebastian. I hugged him tight, not wanting to ever let go, thankfully he hugged me back but strangely with less grip. I looked at his arms and noticed that one of them had a gigantic incision causing blood to leak out like a faucet. "Kitten I must ask you to close your eyes." I looked up at him with a sad and questioning look. He held me tighter to his body. "A person who I deeply care about shouldn't see me in my true form." I nodded into Sebastian's chest, resulting in him letting me go. I closed my eyes.


After all of the noise stopped I felt two arms pick me up. "Kitten, you may open your eyes now." I did as told, wrapping my arms around Sebastian's neck, I was just about to hug him, but instead I felt a pair of lips on mine. My mind went blank, and too soon he pulled away. I hugged him around the neck and whispered into his ear "I love you" my heart was about to explode, I really did love him. "Oh Bassy, your here." I glared at the voice behind me, slowly turning my head towards Grell. "HEY! I go to get you a red dress, and I find you with my Bassy!" I didn't need a new dress and why red? "New dress? Why red?" "Legend says that red calms the beast down enough for you to sneak by" "but that's only legend. It could also make us stand out and make the thing kill us faster" "Yeah, well, red is so my favourite colour, so there" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, thankfully Sebastian threw a couple of knives at him, making him leave. Smiling, Sebastian walked with me back into the manor, up the stairs, and down the hallway into my room. Laying me down on my bed, Sebastian pulled the covers over me, sadly staying emotionless but I didn't mind, deep down I know he loves me too. I used to hate demons, but I guess not all demons are bad. My eyes opened in realization. "Sebastian! I have to tell you something!"

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