salsa dance

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I sadly don't own naruto
Kasai pov

After the 'fight' me and kiba went back inside.

"ok everyone it is time for the king and queen to a dance"tsunade said

Then salsa music came on. I don't mean to brag but i can dance salsa.
(listen to the music above to this part)

"come on kasai"

"you know how to salsa kiba"



We had started and i have to say kiba knows what he is doing. After our dance our faces were so close. Kiba leaned in and we started kissing. I swear I was gonna melt, but i kept myself together. Then there was a pink ora around me and kiba. I was just happy that me and kiba are together. The dance ended around midnight and then we all went to sakura house for a sleepover.

At sakura house kiba pov

"hey y'all want to watch a movie"

"sure what kind" sakura asked

"horror "

"fine" sakura said

I went to find a movie and i found a nice and scary movie to put on. The guys sat on the couch with the girls on the ground. I guess they were really scared because every jumpscare hinata, ino, sakura, and kasai would scream. Tenten would just throw kunai at the dart board on the wall sakura set up. Finally the movie was over and kasai was stuck on my leg and that hurt because her nails were in my legs.

"come on let's go to bed "

I went and put her in the bed and she fell asleep, but i stayed because i thought she would keep waking up. Then i fell asleep on the chair next to her.
Awwwww so cute





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