1: Paris, France

527 11 1

/YN's point of view\

"Ma place, demain, à exactement 5 heures du matin. Soyez prêt pour la formation. Les retardataires, vous savez la peine. Je vais tester votre vitesse, l'équilibre, l'agilité, la concentration, le respect, l'intelligence et la force pendant une semaine. Et ne mangez rien avant la formation." (My place, tomorrow at exactly 5 in the morning. Be ready for the training. Late comers, you know the punishment. I'll test your speed, balance, agility, focus, observance, intelligence and strength for a week. And don't eat anything before the training.)

Send to: Lauren, Sabrina, Ethan, Ulysses, Thomas, Spencer, Aubrey, Valerie, Stephen, Calvin.

I have to train them to boost up their abilities.

We need to go back to the place where we really belong.

I know, everyone will be shock in surprise for our unexpected return.

They need to know that I'll be officially back good.

--- The next day. 4:30 AM.

First day of the training.

Everything is set and ready.

Any moment from now, I'm expecting them to come.

I need to freshen up my body to be ready for that.

--- After 30 minutes.

I'm wearing my mask, black sando, leather shorts, and a combat shoes.

I need to hide my face.

As I was expected, no absentees nor late comers.

"Bonjour." (Goodmorning.)

"Reine." (Queen.) They said in unison.

"Donc, je suppose que vous êtes tous prêts. Commençons." (So, I guess all of you are ready. Let's start.)

"Exécutez 10 tours, c'est l'équivalent de 10 kilomètres. Car qui peut le faire en 1 heure, peuvent manger leur petit déjeuner. Pour qui ne peut pkas le faire, bien, désolé. Vous ne pouvez pas manger jusqu'à ce que vous avez gagné le prochain défi." (10 laps run, it's equivalent to 10 kilometers. For whom can do it within 1 hour, can eat their breakfast. For whom can't make it, well, sorry. You can't eat until you won the next challenge.)

"Placez-vous, maintenant." (Position yourself, now.)

"À vos marques! Prêt! Préparez-vous! GO!" (On your mark! Ready! Get set! GO!)

Lauren, Ethan and Spencer are leading their ways. The others are just chilling out.

--- After 40 minutes.

The 3 of them were done.

Ethan - 00:40:29

Spencer - 00:40:46

Lauren - 00:40:58

I'm not surprised.

The 3 have the speed.

"20 minutes left. Remember, you can't eat until you finish it within 1 hour. Ethan, Spencer and Lauren were done."

After 12 minutes, they're all done.

"1 hour break. Eat and rest. Regain your energy for the next trial."

--- After 1 hour.

"Everyone, get up! In this game, I need your focus. You have to shoot the target, but the twist is make its way to pass the ring hole. The ring is monitored if something hit it, we will hear the alarm. You only have 5 bullets."

"Got it? I'll show you an example."

"But Queen, that's impossible." Valerie complained.

"Yes, how come? We only have 5 bullets." Stephen.

"It is possible, and focus is the secret." I said.






"Woooaaah!" Spencer

"Amazing." Sabrina.

"Unbelievable." Aubrey.

"There's no impossible for the Queen, right guys?" Ethan said with his tantalizing eyes and killer smile.

"Enough. Ethan, you first."






"Great, you hit 4 over the 5 targets."

Aside from speed, Ethan is the most focused in all matters.

"Tsk. That's why I'm one of the BDG." Ethan said with a smirk.

"Spencer, you're next."

"Yes, Reine."






"3 over 5. Not bad."







"Same as Spencer, you hit 3."

Sabrina, Ulysses, Thomas, Aubrey, Valerie, Stephen and Calvin hit 2.

"Goodjob, everyone. You've reached what I expected. Let's call it a day. I know you're all tired. Take a rest and let's continue the training tomorrow.

"And oh, you'll sleep here. Everything you need are all prepared."

Be ready for us, our dear world.

The legacy of a gangster queenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon