Betrayed by Hope

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It was my first night eating dinner with my trainer, Haymitch Abernathy, and Evangeline Sporker, my fellow tribute. I was wearing a khaki shirt and pair of combat pants, both which I found in my room. Quietly slipping through the double doors leading to the dining room, I stepped foot onto a lavish red carpet and gawped at the gold interior.  It was literally shining. At the table, Haymitch and sat, for once somber, drumming his fingers on the ornate plate. I sat down next to him, and looked at the meal before us. It was astounding. I tucked in happily. Katniss would’ve insulted Haymitch and hesitated with the food, had she been here. I swallowed and glanced at my plate. Katniss…

My mentor finally broke the silence.

“Right. So first off, Gale, I need to know what you’re good at and what your weaknesses are. Obviously some of them are yet to be discovered, but it’s useful to have an idea of what I’m going to be working with here. By the way- where’s Evangeline?”

I shrugged, and bit into the cheese-stuffed turkey in front of me.

Haymitch rolled his eyes, gestured towards one of the mute servants near us, and told her to go fetch Evangeline. I glanced up. The servant was pretty. Not as much as Katniss, of course, but still well kempt and good-looking. The girl nodded her brown head and hurried off.

Haymitch turned to me again, and took another swig of beer from the canister round his waist. Great.

“So… You have any talents? Any particular gifts I should know ‘bout?”

I dabbed the corner of my mouth with a napkin before answering: “I’m pretty handy with a bow and arrow. Prefer a knife for close-up silent killing though.”

Haymitch nodded, seemingly pleased with what his tribute was going to be murdering with.

“We can’t do either of them.”

My heart sank like a stone.

“Why not? They’re the only things I can do! We’re doomed otherwise!”

Haymitch opened his mouth to answer, but he was cut off by a loud bang of the door. The mousy haired girl we saw earlier was standing in the doorway, motioning frantically, her eyes wide in alarm. We got up and sprinted after her, my head spinning like crazy. What had happened? Had someone taken Eva? District Twelve would be placed at a larger disadvantage still, had one of its tributes went missing.

 We arrived at a hand-carved wooden door, identical to mine. Nothing seemed to be amiss, but there was an uncomfortable silence in the air. Haymitch yanked the door open, and retched.

 I peered from behind him and every hair on my body prickled. Evangeline Sporker lay sprawled across the carpet, which was now wet with her blood. Her wrists were slit and blood seeped from the wounds, reluctant to stop.

On the cream coloured wall behind her, and scarlet message dripped in messy handwriting.

The walls need BLOOD.’

Several mugs of hot chocolate later, Haymitch and I were sitting at the table, solemn silence ringing in our ears. The quietness grew unbearable, and my mentor broke it with a grunt.

“I’ve come to a conclusion. There’s no use fighting a losing battle. You can’t make it on your own in the Games without a partner.”

“So we’re forfeiting?” I was shocked. The idea was dishonourable, and our people would be shamed.

Haymitch looked offended and growled: “I never said that, and you should know better than to accuse me of doing something so degrading. Besides, there is no forfeiting in the Games.”

I slumped. “And, referring to what you said before, why can’t I fight with a knife or with a bow and arrow?”

Shrugging, Haymitch set down his mug. “Cos practically everyone will be using a knife. It’ll be too obvious. It could be your back-up weapon, though. And as for the bow and arrow, you’re KATNISS’ best friend! Of course they will see it coming! Plus, you’re archery isn’t as good as hers, am I right?”

“But,” He said, grinning slyly as if an amazing idea had struck him. (And it probably had.) “I have a plan. You might not like it, and if you’re anything like Katniss, you won’t.”

“You know what- or rather- who Careers are, am I right?”


“Well, Gale Hawthorne, if you’re gonna survive, you’re going to have to suck it up to them and be one.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2012 ⏰

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