-1- First Day of Hogwarts

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(Y/N) recently transferred from Ilvermorny, the American version of Hogwarts. It's their third year learning the art of witch craft and wizardry. They stand outside the great hall entrance waiting for Professor Mcgonagall to take them in.

(Y/N) hears the headmaster, who they have met before, say "Today students with have someone joining us who has transferred from ilvermorny, the magic school in America. Today we will watch Miss/Mr (Y/L/N) be sorted into theie house, Professor Macgongall please could you bring them in"

They watch the Old looking Professor open the great hall doors. Students from all directions look at them. Most people are drooling, (Y/N) try's not to pay attention to that. (Y/N) looks up at the celling, they read in Hogwarts; A history that it was bewitched.

They step up the 3 legged stool and sit down gently. The old looking female Professor places the sorting hat gently onto their head.

"Ooh a third year transfer, welcome Miss/Mr (y/n) to hogwarts. Now where to put you, not a bad mind. Hmm, interesting sometimes you're a brave and sometimes you are ambitions but yet you tend to hide those. You're more of a sweet girl/boy at heart. Interesting. I guess I should put you in...Hufflepuff!" (You could change the house if you want to but it kind of goes with the story)

The hufflepuff table goes wild with loud cheers and claps. The other tables are sad. A Slytherin looks at (Y/N). They put their hand over their mouth. He turns away furious. (Y/N) choses to sit next to a boy, this boy has brown hair and hazel brown eyes.

"Hello, I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory" he says smiling and holds his hand out. (Y/N) gently shake his hand.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N) as you probably know" they smile and giggle a bit.

"So (y/n) what kinda of wand have you got, mines 12 1/4, ash and unicorn hair core." He smiled. They couldn't help but love his smile. It made them light up.

"Mines an 11, hazel wood with a unicorn hair core" they smiled back.

They got to know each other more as they tucked into the feast.

"Ever consider joining quidditch". He asked.

"I did play a bit at ilvermorny, so yeah. When are tryouts?" They replied.

"Tonight, in captain and seeker. Hope to see you there?" He asked. They nodded.
(Y/N) headed to the quidditch pitch, they got a bit lost on the way but a prefect helped them, they are a minute late. Cedric smiles at them.

"I see with have a straggler, anyway play clean please. Now let the tryouts begin" Cedric picks 5/10 people to start first.

"Green, can you tell (Y/n) what I just told everyone please" Cedric asks. Thomas Green explains everything, he also explains that he is a beater.

It is now (Y/N)'s turn, they are trying out for the position of Keeper. Someone called Hannah Abbot is also trying. They fly your broom in front of goal. Hannah shoots them an evil grin. They ignore it and focus on the game.

(Y/N) didn't let the quaffle go in once, meanwhile Hannah had let quite a few in. They had a good feeling that you was gonna make the team.

Cedric announced the new team members, (Y/N) got the position of keeper. Their first day at a new school And they're already on the quidditch team, (Y/N) was really proud of themselves.

Authors note;
Hope you enjoyed the first part of this, feel free to correct me on any spellings, grammar or punctuation mistakes. It would really hope if you did. And please comment what you thought
~ Amber
Edited: 04/01/18
Edited: 06/09/20

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