-8- Getting Cedric Back Part 1

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Sorry if this is rubbish + there should be 2 chapters this week ✌️)

(Y/N) decided they would go alone, it was a big risk but if they asked Fred and George they'd probably tell someone, (Y/N) didn't want that. They just wanted to get Cedric back and leave their father be. They chose not to tell Edward, he would end up having a panic attack and getting paranoid that there father would come and get him and beat him to death.

(Y/N) packed a bag, how was they going to get out? The fire place in the ROR.

(Y/N) made there way to the ROR, they grabbed some floo powered.

-----Tiny Time Skip-----

(Y/N) grabbed there wand and entered their house through the secret passage they built to escape, as they were crawling through the tunnel, (Y/N) heard a scream, a familiar scream. Cedric's scream. Their Cedric's scream, (Y/N) was now mad, there father could hit them all he wanted but the minute he laid a finger or a wand on someone else, (Y/N) meant business. Nobody was going to lay a finger or wand on Cedric. (Y/N) realised they was going to need to act quickly to save Cedric.

They climbed up the stairs and followed the noise of the scream, (Y/N) stood outside of the door, this was it. What if their father fired the killing curse at them or Cedric? (Y/N) thought they probably should of brought back up.

A hand on (Y/N) brought them back to real life and not their thoughts. For a second they thought if was their father. (Y/N) turned around and there was Dumbledore, George and Fred.

"We went looking for you.." George Whispered

"We found the letter and assumed so we showed Dumbledore, don't be mad" Fred whispered.

"(Y/N), you go in first and we will come in a few seconds after" Dumbledore Whispered.

(Y/N) walked in.

Sorry about the short chapter, I'm going on holiday but probably won't be able to go swimming due to lady things so I'll probably write a lot of chapters while I'm drinking a slushie 😂😂. Well stayed tuned for part 2 of saving Cedric~ Amber

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