-7- Trust

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Mature Language Warning

(Y/N) stood there not knowing what to say, (Y/N) has always had trust issues with boys other than her brother, or the Weasley twins. The reason they have trust issues with boys is because of their dad.

"It's ok if you wanna say no" Cedric said.

"I do want to, but there might be some trust issues" (Y/N) replied.

Cedric nodded and handed (Y/N) the flowers. (Y/N) hugged Cedric, he hugged back.

--------Time Skip--------

"Come on, (Y/N) just tell us what happened" ask Fred

"Yeah, tell us" added on George

"Nope" (Y/N) replied. "Never"

"He asked you out" Fred said. (Y/N) smirked.

"He did" George said.

Both of the twins tickled (Y/N). They all laughed. All of them just talked for the rest of the evening about anything and everything, until it was almost curfew.

"I'm going to bed now" (Y/N) said and kissed the twins' cheeks. (Y/N) walked back to the Hufflepuff common room and went to their dorm room and went to sleep.

--------Time skip again-----

(Y/N) hadn't seen Cedric since the day he asked the question. (Y/N) went round asking anybody if they had seen him and nobody had since the same time they had. (Y/N) knew something was up, they went to there dorm room and sat on their bed. Someone's owl pecked on the window. (Y/N) opened the window and saw the letter was addressed to her. (Y/N) thanked the owl and gave her a treat.

Dear (Y/N),
If you want your precious Cedric back, you better come home forever. Leave Edward, I don't care about him but you young lady/boy, Better come get your baby back before he gets killed.
Sincerely, Your father.

That little bitch, (Y/N) thought. Of course It'd be him, (Y/N) should of known, they should of known. They had to something to get Cedric back, (Y/N) either had to do it by themselves or get the help of Fred and George

A/N- sorta of cliffhanger. I don't know where I am going with this, I'm going somewhere but idk where

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