-4- Quiddtich Pitch

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(Y/N) and Cedric make their way down to the Quidditch Pitch. Fred and George look straight at Cedric Diggory.

"Hey Pretty Boy Diggory" They say in unison. 

"Diggory, we need to have a chat with your friend. So you go practice and we can watch you from here" George says with one of the large Weasley smiles. (unless its Percy who doesn't smile at all)

Cedric smiles back and nods. He heads down to the broom shed

"So how's our favourite Hufflepuff?" Fred questions.

"I thought 'Pretty Boy Diggory' was but I'm doing good. What did you need from me?" They say back to the twins.

"Well we wanna know what's going on with you and Diggory" George asks, smirking.

"Don't worry boys, me and him are just friends. He just helping me through some stuff." They say.

George and Fred exchange looks. As in the 'mmm sure' look. 

"Bye Bye now" The twins say as they leave, not looking back at the quidditch pitch. 

(Y/N) turns their head to the quidditch pitch to see what Cedric was doing. They can't seem him until they look at floor and see him lying there. (Y/N) quickly runs to the twins who hadn't made it very far and tells them to get Madame Pomfery and quickly. 

She comes quickly. They didn't realise to now but next to him lays a bludger. The twins watch over with you.

"Seems like a bludger has hit him, I'll give him some medicine and he will be right as rain. Now you three to bed. He will back to his normal life in the morning." she says, concentrating on Cedric. 

(Y/N) lays in their bed, thinking hardly. Cedric wasn't really in their mind that night. It was about how tomorrow is the last day before the Christmas holidays which meant they would have to go home. Their father doesn't give them much of a choice. In year 1, they missed the holiday before the summer and they went home and their father was waiting.

(Y/N) clears their mind of the thoughts about their father and slowly drifts of to sleep.

A/N- I did an update! Sorry it's not that long but thank you for all the views!!

Updated- 30/05/18

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