Hold onto your hats ladies and gents

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I'm sitting in class, my teacher is droning on and on about nothing important, the clock just can't move fast enough, and I have to bathroom. Yes I'm aware that I just made a grammatical mistake. No, I don't care. Anyway, I'm in class, life is boring, I have to pee, blah blah blah. Let's get to the interesting part of the day...hold onto your hats ladies and gents!!

Public bathrooms are pretty yucky so I do my business quick. I'm just about to leave when something catches my eye. I turn around to see a girl crawling out from under the stall door.

"Um. Hey? What-what are you doing?" I ask. I'm a little confused, naturally. I mean it's not every day that you see someone crawling out from under a stall...kinda not the norm...
"Aaagh.." is what she responded with. It was more like a weird groan type thing but it didn't so much incorporate the use of her vocal chords. It was a weird groan whisper hiss thing...it's hard to explain.

"Oh? Uh...you alright there? Need help?" Not gonna lie I was a little freaked out at this point. Again, this is NOT NORMAL!

I reached a hand out to her and she tried to bite it. DO YOU HEAR ME? She tried to BITE it!

"OHKAY," I yelled, jumping back and now feeling MORE than freaked out. "I will-I will get you some help, okay? You don't seem like you're doing so well, like, in the head region. Alright. Just-just, uh, stay put, alright? Alright. Good-uh-good talk."

All the while she's still crawling to get out from under the door. Crawling really slowly. But as I talked she had begun to crawl faster. She had her eyes locked on me as she stood up.

She took a step toward me and I noticed that there was a bite mark on her leg. It looked gross and infected and it was bleeding and--

"ALRIGHT I'LL SEE YOU LATER THEN!!" I yelled because-well because she'd just started running at me and I don't want to find out what will happen in the event that she caught me.
So I'm running down the hall and this girl is chasing after me and she is NOT slow. Also I am NOT a track star so I was interested in finding out how this all would work out for me. At the moment it's looking good, what with all the adrenaline pumping through my body.

I figured that it would be pretty dumb to just run around the school aimlessly so I ran to my classroom since most of my stuff was still there (not my phone and my earbuds though cause I need my jams at all times. Ya know what I mean?) But when I get to the classroom and try to open the door, it's locked. Why is it locked? Because everyone went to lunch.

"Oh, COME ON!" I bellow in extreme frustration. "I WAS GONE FOR THREE DAMN MINUTES!"

No time to wallow in growing anger, though, because crazy girl was catching up fast. At this point I'm literally thinking on my feet. Get it? Cause I'm running...? Yes? No? Oh, right. I was telling you about running through the school. So I'm running and I've gotta figure out where to go next.

"where should I go?" I asked myself. Well, where do I feel I'm safest? Where am I supposed to be right now? I got it! The cafeteria, of course! I have a few friends around here who will help me get rid of this girl.

"TO THE CAFETERIA I GO! GIDDYAP PONY!" I run towards the cafeteria making pony noises (what? That's not normal? Are you sure?) As soon as the cafeteria is in sight i think LAND HO!

That reminds me of a funny cafeteria story. So I get my chow and I'm sitting with my friends. I get a call from a random number and I think I'll answer it. Why not? So I answer it and it's this guy asking if I'm the funky monkey! He says it a few times and I kinda just hung up and laughed.

 What was I doing?

   Oh right! Telling my tale of woe.

    So I galloped into the cafeteria and scanned the room for my friends.As soon as I spotted them I sprinted for their table. I came in faster than that crazy girl did so she couldn't find me (I feel like I'm being mean when I call her crazy but what else should I say? Maybe instead of crazy I could say that shes batty! That's right I'm a genius.) 

No.  She couldn't find me but what she did instead was come up behind the  person closest to her sitting down and take a chunk out of his neck.

   Everyone's in an immediate  panic and now people are realizing that she's the reason I was running in like a deranged buffalo. Okay maybe not a buffalo, but definitely deranged. 

As I was saying, people started to panic BIG time. Everyone was running around yelling and crying, my friends were staring at me in shock, and the teachers and lunch ladies were throwing down their aprons and calling it quits. And as for the boy that was bitten, well...he's more than bitten at this point. He's being eaten. Batty over there is just chowing down on him like there's no tomorrow. 

My friend Millie had been watching in horror as dear old Batty turned that poor kid into a midday snack. She's such a precious little daffodil and she doesn't do well with blood and gore and such.

"Heeey, Milly," I snatched her attention from Batty (I like how that's her name now.) "You should look over here now because-uh-well because you should. Yep. I am great at diversions and such." Yeah I'm great at diversions and such.

"Sicily," Milly said. Oh,and by the way, that's my name. Yes, I understand it's a place in Italy, and no I haven't been there. "Sicily I think he's dead..." She cried on Atham's shoulder (Atham is also our friend. We're all friends at this table.)

Our other friend Elyn turned to me and asked, "Was that girl chasing you?"

"Yes," I responded, standing up. "I'll say more in a bit but for now, guys, we gotta go."

They all nodded and stood up. The cafeteria was still swarming with people scrambling to leave. The only way out was to go past Batty so this should be...interesting.

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