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Boy am i sick of running! If I never had to run again I think I'd be okay with it. Unfortunately for me i didn't need a fortune teller to know that there would likely be running in my future.

I had to run pretty hard to catch up to my herd. When I caught up with them they were at a total standstill.

"What's the holdup bros?" I asked. Really. What's the holdup?

"Don't panic," Red said to me. "But I think that Batty isn't the only one who's gone-well-batty." He pointed ahead to where a bunch of them were all ripping this one dude apart. I'm not gonna give you the gory details--there'll be plenty of that further on in this story (wink wink.)

"Millie shouldn't be seeing this," I uttered the first thought that came into my mind. "Let's go another way-quietly." Yeah that's right I can be a responsible kid sometimes. I mean the situation is perfect for me to rise to the occasion and be a hero. Okay I'll be the first to admit that I'm no hero. But you can't say you don't like me. Well I mean you can like in a physical sense but what I mean is that I'm awesome. Right? Yeah, no, I totally am. Pssh...I shouldn't be doubting myself.

We tiptoed back towards the library and kept going until we reached the next exit. I barreled out into the open world.

"FREEDOOOOOOMMMMM!!!" I yelled. "Now! Let's go find my mom!"

Once again I led the way, scanning the lots for moms car. Be the car. Be the car. Or an eagle. Those birds have tremendous sight. Not the point! I redirected myself. I really love thinking in italics. It's so beautiful.

As soon as we saw mom we flagged her down and all hopped in. I sat in the front with mom.

"So what's up with this new virus thing?" I asked. I had an inkling as to what it could be, and I know you do too, but I'll put off saying it for dramatic affect.

"It's all over the news," Mom stepped on the gas, going 20 miles faster than she should. "People are getting horribly sick and eating other people.  I take it that's what happened at your school then?"

"You bet it did!" I answered. "But don't you worry, mom," I assured her. "We're all fine. Not a bite, not a scratch." I smiled to myself. What a day. You'd think that all this horrific cannibalism and gore would get to me but I'm pretty sure I was in shock as all this happened.

"Good. That's what I like to hear. As soon as we get home we can call all your parents and either get them to our house or you guys to theirs." All I'm hearing is potential sleepovers. "And be safe. If you get bitten you'll die."

"Mom! You're gonna scare my friends!" I said.

"Too bad. This is the truth and they're old enough to hear it. You get bitten, you die. Because do you know what this is?"

They all said they didn't.

"Hey mom can I say it?" I asked. I've been waiting three long chapters to say it so I really should.

"Go ahead," she said with a slight smile.

I turned around in my seat to look my friends in the eyes. "Bros, this is the zombie apocalypse."

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