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Someone  PLEASE get me out of this house of mine! So here's an update...

•I'm bored out of my mind
•it's been a month
•the power is out
•we have so many people staying at our house
•yes that includes Red and his family
•that's all I feel like sharing
•oh and Atham's family is also staying at my home

There's not a private place in my house at the moment, so I decided to hold a meeting in my room with Atham and Red. The three of us sat on my carpet, criss cross applesauce. Yes I'm in first grade again. I'm sorry but it just won't work if I don't say the phrase criss cross applesauce, so you'll have to deal with it.

"Order in the court," I said with the deepest voice I could muster, wanting to feel official.

"We weren't saying anything, Cece," Red chuckled.

"Hey don't tell her how to run the meetings," Atham chimed in. "She's the mastermind here."

"Thank you, loyal subject." I patted Atham on his forehead.

"Why?" Red asked.

"Why what?" I returned.

"Why pat his forehead?"

"Order in the court!" I bellowed. "So as we all know, I'm bored. Also as we all know, Elyn's family is crashing with Millie's family. So. Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

"Yes," Atham answered. "I'm thinkin' we need soda in our lives."

"No no no," Red said to him. "You're getting it all wrong. What she's thinking is that we need tacos in our lives. That's where it's at!"

"Loyal subjects, you've unfortunately got it all wrong. I'm thinking we slip out, hop on over to Millie's house, come back here, and nobody will notice a thing." I tapped my fingertips together the way the villains do in the movies.

Red had his thinking face on. He always thinks way too much. That's just how he is.

"So," Red mused. "If we were to 'slip out' how would we go unnoticed? And how do we know that Millie and Elyn are even there? And what if--"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." I smooshed his lips with a finger, effectively silencing him. "You worry way too much."

Atham furrowed his brow. "Hmm..." He thought a moment. "You both make very good points. Cece, not worrying about things is a great option for after we make our escape. However, Red, you make a compelling argument what with all of the worrying about how to leave unnoticed because we'd need to come up with a decent plan for getting out of the house. If we get caught, we are toast. Very burnt toast. Also it would be great if they had soda at Millie's place."

I nodded, hearing what he was saying. "Okay. So in the spirit of planning things, I guess we should maybe bring weapons or something, since we may or may not be dealing with the dead tonight. I'd like to maybe avoid them if at all possible but a the same time I wouldn't mind a nice skull bashing session."

"Atham, you and I can come up with a decent escape plan, and Cece, you can gather a few weapons," Red said. "Seem good?"

"Okay," I nodded. But With the house being so full of people I don't really know how effective I'll be at gathering weapons. And they can't be big cause we have to smuggle them. This is so exciting you guys!! Smuggling! it's like we're in prison or something!! Okay I just heard what I said. No good. No good at all. But still!!"

Atham thought for a second. "Okay so let's first look through your room to see what we could use to improvise. I see a couple of pocket knives over yonder. Those'll do fine."

"I am hearing you..." I looked around my room for anything else we could use when i spotted my walking stick. "I have spotted a walking stick," I murmured as I walked toward it and picked it up. "This could be fun."

We had filled backpacks with stuff we might need (not to the brim and not too much stuff cause what if I wanted a souvenir?) and tied sheets together and used that as a rope ladder thing to get out of my second-story bedroom window. Red made his way down first and I was supposed to go second. Before I went I took a marker and wrote a note to mom saying we were off to Millie's house for some good old fresh air and adventure, and that we'd be back soon.

Once the three of us were safely on the grass we silently high-fived and slipped off into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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