Wow what a gr8 dey

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For some reason I just can't get a song out of my head. But I can't say that I don't want it there I mean it's a great song. It's not a real song either...just a tune I heard once when I was young. Somehow it clung to my brain through all these years....strange...

"Today's a good day," I murmured to Red, looking far off in the distance.

He turned to me, brows all furrowed (furrow is a funny word it's like furry burrow but it doesn't mean either of those words) and asked, "What about today is so good? The world is on its way out, you were almost looted by two guys, and the dead are walking around like they're alive."

Is he talking? I'm not sure. Doesn't he know I'm not paying attention that much?

"Yeah that's great hunny bunch," I returned, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But look around-" I gestured at the trees and such because we had been walking around outside. "Today is a beautiful day and nature might even be more beautiful than before. Sure the world as we know it is coming to and end but pssh...whatever. I'm just thinking about this beautiful sunny day and how it feels so nice to be holding your hand."

"Hmm," he nodded. "It's a nice day and I do love holding hands with you, love. But don't you think that you should be just a little bit worried?"

I leaned into him and breathed in the scent of his cologne. He smells better than anything. Is that creepy? No. No it's not. Cause he's my boyfriend and I do what I want cause he's mine and normal social boundaries don't apply here.

"Why do I need to be worried, love?" I asked, all drunk with my delusional happiness. "Everything's fine" Of course everything wasn't fine. I was fully aware that the world had already started to go to shit. However, I wanted to look at the bright side of things and just put the bad out of my mind, for now.

"But—" I covered his mouth with my index finger.

"Shhhhh..." it was a whole lot nicer than telling him to 'shut the front door' as the kids say. "Let's just walk, okay? No more talk about this. How about we be happy that you're family's gonna stay at my house if this gets worse."

He nodded. "Good point I guess," he agreed. "Remind me.Why would we be staying at your house?"

Oh I see what he's doing here! He's trying to sniff out a plot hole. Right, so even though this is a work of fiction, I still have to come up with valid believable explanations for things. Great. Just great.

I shrugged. "You know, if power and phone lines go down and if violence and stuff..." I trailed off. My sentence stopped making sense.. But that's okay because not much had been making sense lately.

Red seemed to totally understand what I meant by the way he smiled and mussed up my hair. We spent the rest of the day walking around having a generally nice time. What a fantabulous day.....

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