A lot of running (and some kicking)

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Everyone is going for the exit (the one and only exit. Jeez, they really should have planned this better. I mean who only leaves one exit? It's crazy!) and my little group and I decided that we don't want to partake in all of the shoving and being shoved.  Batty had stopped feasting on the poor (possibly dead) kid and had moved on to biting the people running by.

"Act natural, guys," I say to my friends. Of course when you try to act natural you begin to act more unnatural than ever so let's all cross our fingers. "Let's try not to become snacks, okay?"

The path to the door was clear so i yelled, "NOW'S OUR CHANCE! GO GO GO!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL, GUYS! I REPEAT: THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!"

As they ran for the door Batty tried to be sneaky and bite Milly but I wasn't having it.Before she could reach Millie I gave Batty a swift kick to the chest sending her to the ground. It gave us just enough time to get through.

"Now that was close," I said as we ran away from the cafeteria. "What a rush!"

"So," Atham said to me. "Since you're taking charge here, where do you suppose we go next?"

"That's a very good question," I answered.



"Was that all?" Atham asked.

"I'm thinking," I responded.

Okay. Thinking. Thinking is what I need to do...(sometimes I'm absolute garbage at thinking. That particular moment may or may not have been one of those times.)  I knew that we had to split cause the school wasn't safe anymore. I took out my phone and handed it to Elyn.

"Text my mom and tell her it's a super emergency and that she needs to pick me up now.  Also tell her to free up the trunk cause there may be some extra people coming into the car with us." I turned to Atham. "Atham I need you to do something for me. Go to the library and protect Millie. I'm not so worried about Elyn. She's tough."

"Thanks, man." Elyn pat me on the back.

"Are you not coming?" Atham looked puzzled.

"Nope," I responded. "I have something important I need to do first. I'll meet back up with you in maybe five or ten minutes. Oh! Thank you Elyn!" She had just handed me my phone back after texting my mom. My mom is totes amazeballs but I'll get to that later.

"Hold the phone," Atham said (no pun intended.) "What exactly do you need to do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Elyn cut in. "She's going to get Red!"

Red is my boyfriend. Teehee! He's also totes amazeballs. But he's also totes all the way across the school. Ugh, running!

"Okay guys be safe! I gotta fly but I'll be back as fast as humanly possible!!" And with that I was off with the speed of light. Good thing I knew exactly where Red's classroom was.

I burst in and instantly all eyes were on me. I love a good audience.

"Howdy, guys," I waved to them, out of breath and puffing like a train. "Uh, how's it hangin? Good? Great. Listen, I'm in a hurry so I'll just take Red and be off." I turned to Red. "We're leaving now and you don't have a choice. Love you oodles!" I turned to address the rest of the class. "Oh and i'm pretty sure we can all leave...something's up. Something dangerous and something weird. Crazy girl biting people...she might be sick with something. Could be serious. if you don't wanna catch it you best be on your way. Ready Red? Okay. Bye, now, everyone!" Weird how they just let that happen. It's almost like this is just a product of someone's imagination...oh well!!

"Alright lovey," I said to Red. "Our little herd is in the library and we need to run. Hop to it lad!"  I began to run with him following me like the good kid he is.

We've got a good thing going, he and I. There's a lotta trust. Lotta trust. Lotta love too. Love is a cool emotion I think.

"So what's this about a crazy person biting people?" Red asked me as we ran through the busy halls.

"About that," I shoved someone out of my way. It's fine. They'll be fine. "In the bathroom I saw a girl and then I realized she's a little batty so I named her Batty and she chased me to the cafeteria where she proceeded to eat an unsuspecting lunch eater and everyone freaked out so we all left and I told Atham Elyn and Millie to wait in the library while I retrieved you and here we are." That was a MOUTHFUL!

"Oh." He responded. "That's...that's freaky, man."

"You bet! Look, dude,  it's the library! LAND HO!"

Nobody was occupying the library except for my friends, which was good. This day was turning out alright indeed! The library is nice. Lots of books with interesting looking covers...I should really read more often. Books are great so I don't know why I stopped reading in the first place? I picked up a book and started reading the back--

"Ahem," Atham caught my attention.

"Oh. Right. Yes. Okay. Let's burn this candle! Follow me guys!" I tossed the book aside and marched for the library's entrance so we could make our way out of the building.

Just then, Batty appeared in the doorway out of nowhere and started coming at me. So I grabbed a book and threw it at her face frisbee style. It stunned her so my friends could get out of the library. Unfortunately I couldn't make it in time and was cut off from my group who was still running, unaware of the fact that I wasn't with them. That wouldn't last long though.

Time for some hardcore parkour.

Okay. Truth be told I can't actually do parkour but I like to pretend that I can. 

Anyway, I jumped on top of a table. Batty came at me all fast and angry like. So what did I do? I kicked her square in the nose, knocking her down. I leapt right over her and sprinted for the doorway. I heard her stand back up and take up the chase again. Damn! She just won't give up, will she? I've gotta say I admire her moxi.

"Sorry Batty," I said as I closed the doors just in time for her to crash into them. "You're taking a lot of damage today, man," I said as I ran to catch up with my group. "Catch ya on the flip side."

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