Sacrifice bride chapter 2 "Meeting"

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Kuroko enter the gym. Seirin was practicing shooting hoops. Kuroko saw Kagami and went up to him.

"Dammit that Kuroko where is he!"

"I'm right here." Kuroko said standing next to him.

"Gahhh!! Kuroko you! Where were you!"

"I have been here the whole time." Kuroko said emotionless.

"Kuroko let's practice or else coach will kill us if we don't move." Kagami said frighten.

"Alright let's go then." Kuroko said.

"Over here!" Hyuga yelled. Kuroko did one of his pass to Hyuga.
Hyuga shoot the ball and it went in.
Kuroko and their team won against Kagami. They did their warm up and strech. Kagami and Kuroko were partners for stretching.

"Kuroko are you okay?" Kagami ask pushing his back.
Kuroko turned his head.

"Yes, why do you ask?" He answer emotionless.
"It just that you look a little pale."

"I feel fine its just I had a weird dream." He turned his head back.

"A dream? What was it about." Kagami scratch his head.

" I don't remember. It was just a sad dream." 

"........." Kagami knew he shouldn't ask any more. Because he didn't want the bluettune to feel sad.


"Kuroko for today let's go somewhere together." Kagami said.

"Huh? Why? Kagami your creeping me out." Kuroko looked at him with disbelief what Kagami was saying.

"HEY! *cough* it's just I have nothing to do today that's why." He blush.
Kuroko thought about it and looked back up at him.

"Fine. Scine I also have nothing to do. Where are we going?"

"We're going to the park."

(At the park)

They both got on the swan boat for couple. Kagami was excited because he never rode on this before he wanted to try it. People looked at them and whispering. Kagami turn to Kuroko only to find Kuroko angry face.

"W-what why are you mad!" Kagami said scared.

"Kagami what are you a kid. I'm disappointed." He sigh.

"K-Kuroko! You!" Kagami stood up. Making the boat shake. He tried to punch Kuroko but Kuroko dodge it. The boat shook roughly that Kuroko lost grip on the rail and fell in the water.

"Kuroko!" He saw Kagami screaming his name.

The water was cold and dark. Kuroko tried to swim up but couldnt. He swallowed water which made him black out. He reach his hand up the surface as he start to sink down the water more.

(It hurts.... help me...someone...)

Suddenly there was a light he opened his eyes a little and saw heterochromatic eyes.


He felt a hand grip his arm and Akashi face coming near him. He felt something warm touch his lips. He opened his eyes more. His eyes widen Akashi was kissing him. He could feel that his whole body was hot. He felt safe and warm that he blacked out. He could feel a hand tighten abound his body.

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Kuroko woke up in an unfamiliar room. He looked around he was in a golden room. The bed sheets and the pillow cover were gold with a dragon elblem. The wall also gold. He noticed that his clothed were changed into a baby blue Kimono with flower desgin. He saw a mirror in the room. Kuroko saw a window in the mirror the window sheet was blue. Flower peteals flying in the room. It was a mysterious window curious he walked up to it. His eyes widen.

"Wow!" He smiled. There was a big Sakura tree in the middle of a small lake close to him. There was lotus surrounding the big tree. Lycoris flowers under the tree. Different butterfly landing lightly on the flowers. One of the big dark blue butterfly came near Kuroko and landed on Kuroko finger. He smiled.

"What a pretty thing you are. I wonder where I am? Am I dead?" He said looking at the blue butterfly.

" You're not dead." Someone said. Kuroko turned his head around at the voice.
Standing at the door was a boy with heterochromatic eyes, red long hair, an red kimono with golden dragon design. The boy look at Kuroko. Kuroko recognized him.


"W-who are you?" Kuroko asked.

"You don't remember if saved you from drowning." He smirk.

"W-welll thank you for what you did. I must leave now." Kuroko tried to walk past him but was grabbed by the chin.

"Consider someone who saved your life and get no respect what a rude girl you are." 

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