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It was about a year or two ago

I told you how I felt

You didn't feel the same

Made my heart feel like it would melt

Not really, I was okay with what you said

Nothing serious for you, just friends

I was fine with friendship, it was something

Until word spread and my life came to an end

Where did she come from?

How did you meet?

What made her special?

Different from me?

It was only two months after what you said

Did you change your mind or did you just lie?

Never thought of it much after

We just stopped talking, all the fun and laughter

Fastforward to now and here you are again

Talking to me like how we used to be

"How's your girlfriend?" I asked

"We're not together anymore, it didn't last."

I didn't think much of it and talked like old times

But then you confessed I didn't know what to do

I waited so long, but we couldn't be

You see, I met someone else since you were out of reach

It would be nice if it were us, I'll admit

Timing is just not on our side

If only I was enough back then

Or if only I had waited longer

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