chp. 29

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*one month later*

"Dylan!" Mum scolded, and watched as he drank from the carton yet again. "How many times have I told you-"

"-don't drink straight from the carton, yeah, Mum, I know," Dylan said, rolling his eyes. "But it's not like anyone drinks it anyways."

"Maybe it's because we're disgusted because your germs are all over it," I said dryly, spooning more cereal into my mouth. "Really, Dylan, the amount of times you've been smacked by Mum should be enough to stop you drinking straight from the carton."

"Shut up," he said, rolling his eyes. "I'm saving water, Lia. Drinking from the carton means I'm not using a glass which means I won't have to wash it up and that means that I'm saving water."

He gave me a triumphant look as I laughed lightly.

"You guys are such a handful," Mum sighed with her hands on her hip. "I don't know how I manage, to be honest."

"Sorry, Mum," I said apologetically. "Now, take me to my room, asshole."


"Sorry," I apologised again just as Dylan pushed me out of the kitchen and helped me up to my room, bringing the wheelchair up afterwards.

Once it's in my room, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and rushed out of my room, leaving my door open.

"Call me if you need anything!" he yelled, and then retreated to his lair.

"Will do!" I called back, sighing. He had to leave the door open, didn't he?

So, my wheelchair. It's been terrible. First, I've been getting a lot of stairs. Secondly, it limits my freedom. Like, a lot. Thirdly, it just sucks. But, it's only for one more week, and then I'll be free.

I've bothered everyone to push me because without my arm fully healed yet, I can't use it to push my wheels.

Believe me, I've tried, but was so painful at the beginning I stopped. Now, though, I can go for a while before I get too tired.

I know, all my arm muscles have gone, it's depressing.

We've been holding up well. A lot better than I thought we would have. There have been times where Mum would accidentally cook too much food, or Dylan would accidentally set up a table for four instead of three.

Sometimes, in some situations, I would think, it would be much easier if Dad were here. And I'm pretty sure that everyone has thought of this.

Everywhere in the house was just filled with Dad. Pictures of him. It hurt to see him every time I woke up, ate breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before I went to bed.

We all missed him, but we never said it. Because it would be too painful for all of us. And it would affect Mum the most.

But so far, so good. I'm glad that we were all handling it fine. Dad would be proud of us.

As for my swimming, Coach was pissed that I wasn't swimming, of course, but he understood why.

I still watch Jade and the rest of the team swim, and since Coach asked, I now help him with timings and training the smaller kids.

And as a proud best friend, I was ecstatic when Jade got into the finals at the trials, but then she came third in that race, which meant that she didn't make the team. But I was still very proud of her. The same went for Ethan.

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