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As we walked down the hall we got a lot of weird stares. I was always a loner at school always hanging out with the junkies and just passing by people never really being noticed. Now I was hanging out with two of the coolest guys in school and was dating the hot new guy. The attention is very new to me. I was used to being able to have someone sit next me all year and never know my name. We walked to our lockers and I found out they're all on the same wall except for Trevor of course because he was a freshman and in a different hall away from the seniors. I turned around and saw Nikki, queen of the bitches, standing behind me. "We'll look who it is. It's the little pothead nobody." She said loudly making some of the kids in the hall laugh. "And look its the school whore who's vagina has had more people in it than a subway car." I said making everyone laugh or go 'Oooooohhhh!" "At least I'm not so high and can't see straight." "At least I don't work on the street corner to pay rent because my parents cut me off." "That's right your moms in rehab and your dads dead." "Yea my moms where your sister is and my dads where your gonna be if you talk about my family again slut." "Oh and what are you gonna do bitch hit me." "Ill do more than that." "HEY HEY! Break it up you two. We don't need any fighting especially on the first day of school. Mr. Saunders said pushing us away from each other. "White thrash." she said turning on her heels and walking away. "Cum dumpster." I said before as she walked off. There were a lot of snickers about that. Mr.Saunders shook his head and walked to his class room. "Wow AJ what was that?" Jc asked. "That was the usual Nikki and me fight." I told him before I walked off to class angrily.

{ Third Person POV }

"That happens often?" Jc asked. "Almost daily actually." Kian said. "AJ would have been done a while ago if Nikki didnt do the things she did." Sam said. "What did she do?" Jc asked. "Dude she didn't tell you?" Jc shook his head. "This is the first time I have heard of Nikki." "If she didn't tell you then maybe we shouldn't be the ones to." Kian said. "Guys please." Kian and Sam glanced at each other. "Look it's not our story to tell. Just ask her in sure she'll tell you." Kian said. "Well if she hasn't already why would she now?" "AJ isn't really a person who talks about herself unless she trusts you and you ask her." "True." Jc sighed. "I guess ill ask her at lunch or something."

{ AJ's POV }

I sat in class texting my friend Connor (i met him at the park over the summer while he was with his friend Ricky but he went back to Minnesota a few days ago for his first year of college and Ricky went back to Florida for college)

C: Hey there beautiful enjoying your first day of Seniorhood?

AJ: It's no starting the way a planned but it'll get better I'm sure how's college life?

C: It's pretty cool I moved into a dorm and my roommates pretty cool his name is Ricky lol

AJ: Lol did you tell Ricky? He might get jealous

C: lol to know he's not the only man in my life named Ricky would tear him apart

I giggled until I realized I was in public.

AJ: break it to him gently lol hey I gtg ill ttyl :)

C: Ttyl boo :)

I put my phone in my pocket and Kian and Jc walked in. I smiled and Jc sat on my left me and Kian in front of me. "Hey AJ I was wondering why do you and Nikki still fight." I smacked Kian in the back of the head. "Why did you tell him?" I asked Kian. "OW! I didn't Sam did." He said holding the back of his head. "Oh sorry remind me to smack him." I apologized and turned to Jc. "Look what happened happened there's no sense in bringing it up." He mouthed 'Told you' to Kian. If looks could kill Jc would be dead. I opened my notebook and started copying the notes on the board. "Good Morning class." Mr. Saunders said. "I hope all of you are making good choices." He said looking right at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to my notes. I already didn't like this guy. He assigned an essay on the first day of school and it's due at the end of the week. I had heard he was a difficult teacher to work with and they were right. I do great in all my classes although rumors would tell you I'm and idiot, I'm actually a straight A student but I have an attitude problem especially with authority figures such as teachers. The class rolled by until I was in second period. Mrs.Aurthur. She was one of the nicer teachers. Rumor has it she only assigns homework if you have a B- or lower in her class. This should be an easy class considering math is actually my strong suit and homework is literally the death of me. Next was lunch. My favorite part of the day because seniors could leave campus for the hour. We decided to head to the froyo place that Jc worked at. I preferred working as a lifeguard at the pool watching over the kids, tanning, having permission to go to the pool with a couple friends after hours. We were only open for the rest of the month though so I'd have to look for a new job soon. I made my yogurt and weighed it then paid for me and the boys before anyone could get there wallets out. "Hey one of us would have paid." Jc said. "That's why I had a $20 out when we got here. I hate always making you guys pay for me." "We are just being gentlemen." Kian smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Eat your yogurt gentlemen." We walked back to school eating our yogurt when a car honked at us. I turned around and was soaked with what smelled like Gatorade. "Don't threaten me bitch!" Nikki said as her and her skank army drove away. I ran off towards my house to grab clothes. Thank goodness I still had 45 minutes left. Once I got home I hopped in the shower to wash my hair and then got out and blow dried it. I wrapped a towel around me and went to my room to get dressed. "AJ?" I heard Jc call. "Just a sec I'm changing." "Not like I haven't seen you naked." I could tell he was smiling. "I know but..." I turned around and he was already in my room. "Shoo Jc get out." I said like he was a puppy. He chuckled and shut the door then put his arms around my waist. "And what do you think you're doing?" I asked him. "Kissing my girlfriend." he said pulling me into a kiss. I felt his hands wander up and down my body. Soon enough he tugged on the towel pulling it off me. "Were gonna be late." I giggled. "We've got 25 minutes." I said trying to get him out so I could get dressed. "We've got plenty of time." he smiled kissing down my neck. "AJ?" I heard Kian yell from downstairs. Jc pulled away. "Damn. We well start this up again after my shift." Jc went down stairs and I got dressed. http://www.polyvore.com/infinity/set?id=110197676 I walked downstairs. "Hey come on we're gonna be late." I said grabbing the boys arms. "I brought my car so we don't have to walk." "Good." I smiled. "Shotgun!" Jc yelled. I rolled my eyes and hopped in the back. "Where's Sam?" I asked. "Yelling at Nikki I suppose."Kian laughed pulling onto the road. "Really?" "Yea he texted Nikki to wait up for him and stole a ride then when they get there he's gonna yell at her." I laughed. "Oh I love him." We pulled into school and parked. I saw Nikki's car and told the boys I'd be in a minute. When they walked in I pulled the bottle of vinegar I grabbed from the pantry. I Went over to her convertible and poured all of it out onto the seats, the hood, in the radio, on her clothes in the back, everything. Teach this bitch. I walked into school and took a seat in Mr.Corbin's class next to Jc.

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