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{ Jc's POV }

Last night was the worst night of my life. I only slept for a few hours. because I kept waking up crying. AJ woke up a few times crying out my name. It absolutely broke me to hear her. "Jc help please. I need you. Get him away. Please." AJ whispered in her sleep. I rubbed circles in her back and whispered that i would protect her, it seemed to calm her down. She woke up jumping from my arms. She looked around the room until she saw me and then she ran to me. "J-Jc I-I can't g-get it out of m-my head." She said shaking in my arms."I know baby. It's gonna be ok I promise. He's gone." I whispered to her. She sat up and curled into a ball. I held her tightly. "AJ will you sing to me?" I asked knowing it calms her down. She wiped her eyes. and looked at me. "What should I s-sing?" she asked. "That song you sang to Ava when we visited my dad this summer." I smiled. She smiled back. It was really refreshing to see her smile. She started the Spanish lullaby. I knew I had heard it somewhere but I wasn't sure where.

"A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi nia tiene sueo, bendito sea, bendito sea

A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi nia tiene sueo, bendito sea, bendito sea

Fuentecita, que corre clara y sonaora

Ruiseor que en la selva cantando llora

Calla mientras la cuna se balancea

A la nanita nana, nanita ella

A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella

Mi nia tiene sueo bendito sea, bendito sea

Fuentecita, que corre clara y sonora

Ruiseor que en la selva cantando llora

Calla mientras la cuna se balancea

A la nanita nana, nanita ella

mi nina tiene sueno bendito sea bendito sea"

She sang falling asleep almost instantly. Her voice was so beautiful. I wish she'd sing more often. After that she didn't wake up any more. I slept for two hours in total that night and she slept for about 3 and a half. When it was about 5:30 I woke her up because I needed to leave before my mom woke up. "Babe." I nudged her. Her eyes popped open and she smiled at me. "Babe I have to leave before my mom wakes up. Will you be ok for a little while?" She nodded and stood up and stretched. My shirt she was wearing rose up as she stretched. I bit my lip then shook the thought from my mind. I got up and put my shirt on. AJ hugged me tightly. "Ill see you later." I said. She nodded and let go. I kissed her cheek and walked home. I snuck back in through my window and laid in my bed. I could hear my moms alarm go off. She knocked on my door and came in. "Have a nice night out?" She asked with hers arms crossed in my door way. "I was-" she held her hand up. "I know where you were. What wanna know is what you did." My mind flashed back to last night. "Mom we didn't do what you think." "You didn't have sex with AJ?" She asked. "No we didn't I swear to you." I told her. She looked at me. She studied me for a moment. "Then why'd you sneak out?" I thought for a second. "Honestly, I don't know." "Did you sneak out to have sex with her." I shook my head. "No I just snuck out to be with her." She smiled and left. I got up and got dressed. I looked out my window and realized I could see through AJ's window. She had loud music on and her and Trevor were dancing around. I smiled. I'm just happy she's getting back to normal.

{AJ's POV }

I didn't want Jc to go but I wasn't gonna be clingy. I got dressed in my blue Ramones tshirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I put on my glasses a beanie and my sneakers when someone knocked on my door. "W-who is it?" I asked as my voice cracked. "Its Trevor." He said and opened the door. My heart rate went back to normal. "Come on in." I said. He smiled as he came in. "Goooood morning." "Hi Trevor." I smiled. "What do you want?" I asked. "Breakfast." He smiled. I laughed "Sure, give me a second." I started on my makeup and Trevor went over to my stereo. Party in the USA came blaring out. He turned it up louder and started dancing. "What are you doing?" I laughed. "Im dancin." he said as he's jumped around my room. He pulled my arm and made we dance. I laughed and started dancing with him. When the song ended I gave up on make up for today and just made him breakfast. "What would you like." "Eggs,Toast, and bacon?" "Sure kid." I smiled. My phone vibrated and I checked it.

Jc: Hey babe on my way over.

AJ: kk making breakfast

Jc: Already ate but thanks :)

Jc came over and I told him he could watch tv in the living room. I texted Kian and told him there's food at my place and to bring Sam. Ten minutes later they were at my place eating. Kian drove us to school. I felt really distant from everyone today. I knew why of course but I didn't talk at all which is way out of the ordinary for me. "AJ what do you think?" Kian asked pulling from my daze. "What?" I asked. "I said what do you think." "About what?" I asked. "Nothing never mind." Kian said shaking his head. We pulled up to school and Kian made me stay. "Ill see you in class babe." Jc said kissing my cheek. I nodded and half smiled and they walked off. "Whats up?" Kian asked concerned. "Nothing." "AJ don't take this the wrong way but you look like shit." I glared at him. "How could I possibly take that the wrong way?" I said sarcastically and tried to walk off. Kian grabbed my hand. "No. I mean you look beautiful as always but you don't have that glow that brightens up my day. And you look like you haven't slept is all." I sighed. "I didn't sleep, I was up all night trying to write that stupid essay." I lied. He seemed to buy it. "Oh ok. If you want I can drive you home and you can say you weren't feeling good." I didn't wanna be home alone. What if Dustin came back? "No it's fine ill just go to bed earlier tonight." I smiled. He nodded and we walked to first period.

{ Kian's POV }

She lied. She bites her tongue when she lies. I let it slide because I didn't wanna prod but if she's like this for much longer I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

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