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{ AJ's POV }

"Ugh essays are so stupid." I said cloing my laptop. I turned around so I was sitting upright on the couch. "Well it's due Friday." Jc said not looking up from his laptop. "And the essay is 10% of our grade." Kian said focused on his computer. "Im leaving." Trevor said walking to the door. "Where?" I asked. "My friend Kayla's house were gonna study." I wiggled my eyebrows. "Sure you are." the boys teased. "Shut up." Trevor said rolling eyes. "Text me the address if you need me or your mom to pick you up later." "Sure. See ya later guys." We waved and he ran off. "Im done for today." I said walking to the kitchen. "Me too." Sam said following me. "They look so determined." Sam and I teased as Jc and Kian continued their essays. "It's adorable." I giggled. "Wanna order pizza?" I asked the guys. "Sure." Sam said followed by Jc and Kian nodding. I order three pizzas and they were almost entirely gone in about 15 minutes. "We're so fat." Kian moaned. "How will you ever get a date with that new girl Andrea?" Sam chuckled. Kian glared at him and whispered for him to shut up. "Oooooh Kian likes the new girl." I teased. "I do not." I pulled up her twitter. "Damn Kian she's hot." I said scrolling through her pics." He and Sam tilted their heads and looked at me funny. "What?" I asked. "I thought you were into dudes now." Jc chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist placing me on his lap. "Yea so?" "I thought it was just a phase when you like chicks. Like when you had a huge crush on Nikki." Sam laughed. Kian smacked him. "Ow! What the heck?!" "It's fine I don't really care about that anymore. Anyways what do you guys wanna do this weekend?" I asked trying to change the subject. "I hear a new teen club opened up 14-20 so even Trevor can come in but there's no alcohol." Kian said. I sighed. I was kinda in the mood to get drunk. "Do you ever feel the sudden urge to get wasted?" I asked. "Sometimes. Usually just if I'm pissed or upset. Are you?" Jc asked. "Im in the mood to get wasted but for no reason in particular it's just been a long day you know?" He nodded.

We studied and did our homework for a couple hours but Kian had to go home for dinner and Kian was Sam's ride so they left. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. I walked past Jc to my room and turned around to look at him staring at me from the couch. "Coming?" He nodded and shut his laptop shoving it into his backpack. We sat down on my bed and he drank a little but I drank most of the bottle. "Jc you're suck a lightweight." I slurred. "And you're so drunk." he shook his head. "So what are you gonna do? Take advantage of me?" I bit my lip. "Probably." he chuckled. I stood up and pulled my shirt and pants off. I walked to him so I was standing inbetween Jc's leg. I took his hands and put them on my hips. I grinded up against his crotch making him moan. He kissed me passionately. I tugged at his shirt and pulled it over his head. He unbuckled his pants and kicked them off. I straddled his lap facing him as I pushed him onto the bed. I ran my hand up and down his body to feel all of his muscles. He moaned and squeezed my butt. I moaned into the kiss and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth. I grinded on him harder through his boxers and felt his erection harden with every stroke of my hips. "I can't take it anymore. Take off your underwear." He commanded. I complied and slid them around my ankles and dropping them to the floor. While I did this he slid off his boxers and started to stroke his dick. I bit my lip and replaced his hand with my mouth. I bobbed up and down making him groan and grunt. I licked around his tip driving him crazy. Jc pulled me up to his face and kissed me. He flipped up over and thrusted roughly into me. I squealed and wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. "Oh Jc." I moaned. He trusted into me harder pushing me closer and closer to my breaking point. Jc vibrated his thumb over my clit making me throw my head back with a loud moan. He moaned my name loudly and groaned. He put one hand in the headboard to keep on from hitting the wall, and put the other on my ass squeezing it as he moaned. I ran my fingers through his hair and felt him twitch inside of me. I moaned one more time before coming. We rode out our highs and he laid next to me on the bed. I could here his breathing steady until I realized he had fallen asleep. I got up and put my clothes on and put the empty bottle in the garbage can out back and rinsed out the glasses and put them back. I ran upstairs and laid down next to Jc who had gotten up to put his clothes on. "Where'd you go?" Just hiding the wine bottle." He nodded and laid back onto my bed now dressed. I laid next to him and ran my fingers up and down his abs. "I love you." Jc said looking down at me. "I know. I love you too." I giggled. "I know you know but I feel the need to tell you constantly though." he said running his fingers through my hair. "Why?" I asked looking up at him. "Because you deserve someone who will tell you that they love at any chance they get." I leaned up and kissed him on the lips. I laid my head on his chest. "Thank you." I smiled before drifting to sleep. Jc mumbled something but I didn't catch it.

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