h a n d s

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"Give me some money"

Rikkard Ambrose looked up from his paperwork, a bit surprised by his wife's visit. Though he should tell her to go home and do womanly things like a good old fashioned woman. If she refuses, then he'll have to tie her their loveseat at home. Now about the money...

"Hello and what are you doing here?" he greets, though his eyes had stopped looking at his wife and focused his attention to the piece of paper he is working on.

Lilly huffs in irritation and waddles to her husband's desk, a generous amount of paperwork is stacked, a bottle of ink and a picture frame, although it is slightly minuscule, Lilly knew what the frame held inside. Her heart is filled with so much love. Now about the money...

"Lately I've been having this weird fondness for cucumbers," she ignores the raised eyebrows of her husband. "I normally hate any vegetable except for potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes. But every time I see cucumbers I'm tempted to buy one. I think she likes it."

Rikkard stops writing and simply responds, "What are you talking about, she is a he. Also, you haven't answered my question; what are you doing here?"

Lilly rolls her eyes, irritated at her husband's attitude and moves to his side to look at the paper he is currently working on. Little did she know that her elbow accidentally hit the bottle of ink, and black liquid oozed towards the papers.

The black liquid reach Rikkard's elbows, soaking his coat. He takes a deep deep deep breath and counts one to ten under his breath. He was going to let it all pass, even though he had now potentially lost a huge sum of money.

Lilly winced at the disaster she made but is secretly glad that she can fully have his attention now. She rather liked walking around today, it makes her happy to see her husband miserable because of wasted time. She removed Rick's coat and tossed it on the chair ignoring his protest, that 12 year old coat will be useless anyway. Besides, she thought Rikkard looked even better when his arms were exposed, reminded her of the exact reason why she married him.

Lilly loved the physical appearance of her spouse especially his eyes and his hands. It was quite an unusual preference but there had always been a significant purpose of his hands in their relationship. Like the first time their hands touched intimately was when she had dressed and "disguised" as a woman so they could capture Simmons and retrieve the file.

Rikkard had grudgingly admitted that it was the moment he had noticed her as a female and not as his scrawny secretary. Then she admitted that it was the first time he had acted so gentlemanly to her. That conversation ended in things she'd rather not mention, young children shouldn't know until they are of age!

She married him for his hands, how delightful. Atleast she wasn't a money sucking leech!

"Lillian? Have you gone deaf, my love?"

Lilly's thoughts came crashing down to Earth once more and she looked down on her husband whose hands are covered in ink. But that won't stop her from having that walk in the park. She smiled sweetly to her husband, took his inky hand, brought it to her lips, and laid the softest kiss on his knuckles.

Rick's gaze was on her, though she simply ignored his stare. "I want our baby to inherit your hands," she whispered and locked her gaze with his.

His eyes softened, held her hands and slowly let her sit on his lap. Lilly lets out a soft giggle as her husband placed his hands on her waist to secure her. The ink on his hands imprinted on her white dress. Huge handprints are seen just right above her bump. Lilly leaned back and sighed in contentment as Rikkard began tapping on her belly.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Rikkard placed the sweetest kiss on her shoulder and whispered, "I do not think she would look appealing if she inherited my hands."

Lilly laughed and looked behind her just to see a small smile on his face, she took his face in both of her hands and bought their foreheads together until their lips were almost touching.

"Whatever the gender is, I think the baby will be beautiful with your hands." Lilly whispered softy as she closed the smallest distance between them.

Not a single penny was wasted on that afternoon, time wasn't wasted either. For the people that truly matter, time is nothing but a mere speckle of dust when they are wasting it together.


I, for one, have only one (lots) to say: BELATED MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Also, this wasn't any of the stories in my teaser and I'll explain why but first I have to apologize and thank you all.

I am deeply sorry for the potential disappointment I've rained upon you all. But I am glad that I got you all curious and excited on my two new teasers. I am having a little writer's block on Mint Irises and tried writing it for about four times and I'm just not satisfied at all. And I have vowed for you all that when I update I'm going to make sure its worth the wait. Anyway, thank you all for the comments, votes, fans, and the 50k present ya'll dropped on me last Saturday! I can't believe we're halfway to the 100k goal! I never thought that this fanfic would gain lots!

Then onto the explanation:

This was actually the second thing I was working on (1st: Mint Irises 2nd: h a n d s 3rd: I D A) but I seemed to have found inspiration for this first to I just let it rip and now I'm publishing this. I apologize for its shortness but I think this is an okay one-shot and I love it just the way it is written. Also, this is completely unedited, fresh from the MS Word ya'll!


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