Marry Me, Will You?

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Hello! It's me :-) I'm sorry i know im awol for a few months now and its bcos im making a new S+S fanfiction based on a movie called Leap Year.

I'm working on a new S+S fanfiction. But's not just your ordinary S+S fanfiction filled with romance. Also, if you're lazy and you want a quick read, good news: this story is in dialogue form! It's also a dit different because it's not in the old era! It's a Modern Alternative Universe AND A Movie AU. More specifically a Leap Year AU which is a rom-com set in Ireland.

The same characters but a lot more different from Sir Rob's stories.

Hope ya'll check it out and leave a vote, comment, your love and recommend it to your fellow Ifrit friends.

The link to my new fanfic can be found here:

I love you all, I will return to this story after I'm done with MMWY.


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